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Hello everyone!

Here's that short story that I said was coming this week! Though... because I'm me and I got super inspired and I always end up making things longer than I thought they'd be, it actually turned into more of a long story? Or just a story, I guess.

Anyway! It's 9000 words long! It stars a new character of mine, who is a male fae dog named Beck! I recently posted a ref sheet of him up on FurAffinity, which you can look at by clicking on this link of course.

It's an oral vore story, and the digestion featured within definitely isn't pleasant, but it's not super duper graphic either. With that being said, do be a bit cautious if you're squeamish about that kind of thing!

A college dropout gets a job that pays far, far more than it ought to. (9000 WORDS)

TAGS: Oral Vore, Crush, Unwilling, Digestion, M/m


I enjoyed writing this story a lot. It's always fun to experiment with a new character and get a feel for them!

Though... this isn't meant to be like... a super solid introduction to him or anything. I had a fun concept that I wanted to try out and he seemed to fit. Don't expect all stories with him in to follow a narrative like this one. Like Kyobi, he'll probably be popping up in a few different settings down the line... or at least, that'll be the case until I get a proper feel for him anyways.

That'll do for today, I think!

In a day or two I'm going to have a poll. Then, later on in the week, I'll have something special and different and super vorny to share with everyone.

See you then!



God I love it! It's confusing, makes you wonder what the fuzzling is going on, and heck it's a journey and a half! A big yes for stories that make your brain rack up to figure stuff out. Also thumbs up on the digestion part too. And we definitely need a sequel that brings an answer or two ~