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Hello everyone!

It's time to pick the character for this month's bonus ending! But what is a bonus ending? Well, I went ahead and used some of this month's budget to hire an intellectual red panda to explain it to everyone for me.

Following this round, there will be another poll where you'll get to choose specifically what kinda ending the winning character will receive. For example... do you want 'em to sit on you? Shove you in an unsavory place? You know, the usual good stuff.

This time - everyone is here! Or at least, mostly everyone is here - I'm sure I've forgotten a character here or there. I personally find this very exciting. I always find it fun to see who's the most popular amongst the roster.

So... pick from your favorites! Multiple choice is enabled, so you can and are encouraged to vote for as many characters as you like!

That's pretty much it! Simple stuff. Poll ends in about a week on the 18th of April. Get your votes in, get your votes in...

In other news, I am currently I am working on closing up a very large commission that I've been working on for... months! It should be done either by the end of this week or around the beginning of the next, depending on how things go. I'm really looking forward to showing everyone! It's novel-length - or, close to - and by far the longest single story that I've wrote.

After that, I'll be working on writing and finishing up some smaller stories that I have in store! When the big story is out I should be back to posting stories a bit more frequently. In general - for the next few months at least while I get all the GameMaker stuff figured out - I am probably going to be focusing on writing smaller stories in general. Not like, super small - still wanna write between a thousand to ten thousand words - but not like, fifty thousand plus word stories like the one I'll be posting soon. I will be doing something with Being Human this year, though - it's just kind of on the backburner for now until my ducks are more in a row.

Anyway. I think that's enough of an update for now. See you tomorrow with another poll! This time, it'll be about the coach's species...

Happy voting 'til then!


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