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Hello everyone!

Poll time! Poll time! Poll time! Bonus ending poll time to be specific. But what is a bonus ending poll you might ask? Well, I went ahead and used some of this month's budget to hire a team of well-trained foxes to explain it to everyone for me.

For example... last month, Janice won the bonus poll, which means that she's getting an ending added to the game in this month's update! Specifically a mean one. I've been writing that this week and it's really fun.

Following this round, there will be another poll where you'll get to choose specifically what kinda ending the winning character will receive. For example... do you want 'em to eat someone? Step on them? You know, the usual fun stuff.

For this round, I went ahead and brought over the five characters that didn't win the bonus ending poll last month. The reason that I did this is because these five characters haven't really had any new content added in v1.2. For next month - since the bonus ending will be for v1.3 - I'll bring everyone back, so, if your favorite character isn't here, they definitely will be next month.

This poll will end in about 5 days. After that, I'll do a follow-up poll where you guys pick what kinda ending/scene/whatever you want the winning character to appear in!

Well, I think that's about it. Happy voting! I'll see you in a couple of days with some fresh content.


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