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Hello everyone!

Female won the gender poll for the student character! This came as a surprise to me - mostly because I only checked the poll once after like, 24 hours or so, and andromorph was in the lead with gynomorph not close behind... so I kinda figured that one of those would win.

At the same time, though, it's not a big surprise! Male was the winner of the last two character polls for this game - hence Bellus and Lucas being added in v1.2 - so, yeah! Feels like the right time to add one.

For those of you who voted andromorph - in this poll and others - I want to say that I am planning on sneaking one in for v1.3... providing an andromorph doesn't win the teacher poll, anyways! I am not sure where they will be or what role they will have in the game. They might only have a scene or two - at least at first - but I would like to add one just because it's clear that there's a demand and, well, also diversity. A Tiny Furry In A Huge World has like... almost 500,000 words of content at this point... so I think it's always nice to do a 'different' kind of character.

Anyway! It's species poll time. I'm doing things a tiny bit differently than the usual species polls, but, don't worry, it's not that much different from the norm. Infact, the only real change is that I'm offering less options than usual. Why?

It's pretty simple. I want this character to be fairly unique, so, I have honed in on five species that haven't featured in the game as of yet while also trying to keep them roughly on theme for a gym area. I tried to mix in a couple of staples that haven't made it in yet somehow (horse, for example) while offering a couple more quirky but also hopefully popular options too.

I also think that having less species will just lead to a more interesting poll overall. When I do ten species like usual like four or five of them tend to fall behind anyway, and they are usually the ones that I didn't really think out. So I made sure to think all of these out. I hope they're as interesting as potential candidates to you as they are to me!

I am not sure if I will do the same for the teacher or not yet. I might just throw ten random options in the list there or I might go for a smaller and more curated list like here. We'll see!

Below are some justifications for my choices, because, why not?

Big cat go zoom in the gym!

The reason I decided to propose a cheetah - besides 'em being a sporty-feeling animal - is because there aren't any felines in the game! Well, aside from Jackie, but she's more of an add-on to Mike's content than a fully-fledged character of her own.

EDIT: Oh wait. There's Miles. Of course there's Miles! He's a panther, so he counts. But... feline female. We're still good.

Horses are known both for going fast and for carrying stuff around. Seems like a natural fit for an anthro in the gym!

On top of that, there is not a single horse in the game, which is actually kinda wild to me when I think about it. I've been making this game for, what, three years? You think I'd have added a horse by now!

Eagles are known for being fast, powerful, and graceful. Another natural fit.

Avians in general are woefully underrepresented in most of my work, to be honest - not just A Tiny Furry In A Huge World. I think it would be cool to finally add one.

Grizzly Bear
Bear! They're big and strong, and grizzlies are the biggest and the strongest. Probably. Don't quote me on this, I don't actually know a whole lot about bears.

Bears are cool, and they're a species that aren't in the game at all. You have probably sensed the pattern forming here by now.

Komodo Dragon
Lizard. Lizard. Lizard. There is technically a reptile in the game if you count our dragon Bellus (and also Hannelore) - but on the whole... you know what I'm going to say, don't you?

Not many lizards, so it'd be cool to offer one. Plus, Komodo Dragons are super cool! They have really long tongues for example. And a venomous bite! Will either of these things come into play? Almost certainly.

That's it! You can vote for as many (or as few) of the options as you like. Get your votes in before then! Poll will end in 5 days on March 14th.

Vote away!



Cheetahs are underused mammals! Especially considering the paw focus of this fandom; thats completely unacceptable! Just imagine being on a dash track with her, and she decides to play a sadistic game... gives you a whole minute head start to run down the lane, then effortlessly tramples you into dust from less then a second of her own sprinting~


God this is a hard pick! Those are all amazing species >.<