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Hello everyone!

First things first: I am feeling much better. The sickness had me down for much longer than I thought, though, so I am absolutely a few days behind on getting my story commissions completed. I am not going to promise a day when they will be posted because I am trying to avoid setting harsh deadlines on myself, so... let's just say they'll appear sometime early next month when they're both ready. If I get them done any sooner than that, then, that would be great!

Anyway, this post is split up into two parts. You can skip the first one if you're just interested in the poll!

Impromptu Dev Log

I would like to apologize for the continued delays on the stories. Beside the sickness, and spending a fair amount of time on Tiny Furry In A Huge World Plus this month, I have been spending tens of hours in GameMaker this month constructing a base for a big new game. 

I said I would avoid GameMaker to try and get said commissions finished, but... it's really hard to avoid it because I am excited for the things that I can make in the program. Quite often this month I have thought at the beginning of the day - I'm gonna make a ton of progress on this story today! - only to end up opening up GameMaker on my lunch break and suddenly a few hundred lines of code later twelve hours have somehow passed and I need to go to bed.

On top of that - because the game I want to make is fairly large - I've also been doing things like story and puzzle flowcharts so that I can plot the game out properly, because, y'know, forward planning is important when you're programming something from scratch. It's a lot different to working in Quest. Here's a metaphor that might make sense. Quest is kind of like being a gardener. You can go in there and throw a bunch of seeds down, water them, and just kinda just see what happens! If you don't like how the flowers look by the end, you can kinda just dig 'em up and replant them somewhere else. Meanwhile, making something in GameMaker is more like being an architect. If you don't want the house that you're building to collapse on top of you then you need to make sure that you have all the support beams down before you start putting up walls.

That is what I am doing right now, basically - strengthening support beams. Last month I put down some very basic stuff to make sure it would all work and now that I know that it works I am iterating on things. This is a text-based adventure vore game, so this is mostly improving on data structures and making them as easy to access as possible so that when it comes to actually making the game I don't have to be spending half of my time both writing new code and editing code that I probably wrote months ago. I can, just, y'know, focus on writing the fun macro/micro stuff. On top of that, if I make something flexible enough, then I can just reuse the codebase for future projects, which will save me a lot of time.

Anyway. I reckon I'll have the game's backend looking exactly how I want it to sometime next month. At that point I just need to actually make and write the game and do all the graphics and write all the text for the rooms and all the dialogue and all the vore scenes and, uh, yeah. I have tried to keep the scope small without making it too small, but at the same time the game is going to be considerably longer than something like The Hungry House. With that said, though, with all the eagerness and energy that I have and all the forward planning that I've done, I think it'll only take me a few months to make. I'm hoping to have it all ready to post on Patreon before Autumn this year, but, we'll see how things go.

I'll share some more details about it later, but, right now, this is probably the last thing that I'm going to say about it for a while. Infact, I'm torn on whether I want to share more or not in the future. I want this game to be as surprising as possible. Familiar, but also a breath of fresh air. In order to do that, I think the best thing to do is to not say too much...

I also don't want to keep using it as an excuse for delaying things. Going forward I am going to do better on managing my time and that way I don't have to keep bringing it up.

Actual Poll Stuff

The victor of the last poll was Janice, so, to Janice go the spoils of victory! In this case, that's a very special bonus ending that will be added to the game in March!

But what kind of bonus ending? Well, that's up for all of you to decide. I have come up with three bonus endings to choose from. Janice's content is pretty well covered already - she has an ending for every vore type - but some of it is quite old since she was the third character I added to the game like... three years ago now? For this reason, I decided not to worry about the content that she already has and just kinda went for ideas that I thought would be fun with her.

I've fleshed these out as much as possible while still keeping things a little vague. I always enjoy a little creative license when I'm writing things - obviously - so leaving a few of the details out means that I can improvise later.

Butt Crush (Unaware)

It's not particularly original, but, Janice does have a nice big butt - even by normal standards - so it only seems right to do an ending where you get sat on by her proper.

This wouldn't be a quick crush - like an, oh, oops, you got sat on, game over - but rather a more prolonged process where the player will be feeling the heavy weight of the deer's ass for quite some time. They'll start outside of her clothing - rubbing up against sweat pants - but, by a terrible series of events, they will eventually end up inside of the sweat pants.

The actual crush part at the end of the scene - like, the player being smooshed into bits and all that - will be skippable if you don't want to engage in that bit and would rather just stick to the smothering. In other words, don't worry about this scene being interrupted by pain and misery and viscera if you've just come here for the big butt.

Another character might show up - briefly - just so that Janice has someone to talk to while she's accidentally smothering you with her ass. That's always fun, right?

Mean Ending (Aware)

This will be an extension to Janice's peaceful ending. I will give the player the opportunity to be mean/standoffish to her, which will lead to a different scene entirely. In the peaceful path traditionally, you kinda become Janice's little lover, but, on this path...

... you would instead become her stress toy. She's far too nice of a character to outright kill you, but that doesn't mean that she won't take advantage of your lack of size to bully you and push you around and make you do things that you might not want to do like kiss her butt or rub her hooves or, y'know, other such fun things.

This makes sense to me because while Janice isn't the most confident character in the game - infact, she's probably the least - she does want to be more confident. Someone as physically weak as the player character is the perfect candidate to train her confidence on - after all, it's not like they can fight back.

The player will explicitly survive this ending, so it'll be one of the handful of non-fatal Tiny Furry scenes. Whether they're happy about the rest of their life following a nerdy deer's humiliating whims is another thing, though.

Crossover Ending (Aware)

This crossover ending will feature a mystery character. Which character? Well, if I told you, it wouldn't be a mystery! It won't be Charlotte - I will say that much - 'cause she already has a bunch of content with the mouse already. It is a character in the game already, though.

This ending will feature the vending machine and oral vore. Janice will be the one doing the eating here while the other character goads her on to do so. The other character will be Janice's friend, but they will also be kinda bullying her a little. Playfully so!

Janice and the other character just think the player is an insect on the candy bar that the deer has bought because the moron of a player ended up getting their mouth full of sticky candy and they can't talk! At least, not until they end up inside of her... but communicating with a deer when you're inside of their stomach is pretty hard!

That's it!

You can vote for as many as you like. The poll will end on February 28th - which is also around the time I'll be posting this month's preview build - so make sure you get your votes in before then.

I am now going to get a drink of water and then get back to work on writing the rest of the content for this month's A Tiny Furry In A Huge World Plus update. There's a lot of fun stuff in store!

Happy voting! 


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