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Hello everyone!

Wow... I'll have to add some webs to this fabulous little tailor's shop now, huh? Neat!

I can see that bunny ended up being real popular - and it is the year of the rabbit, after all - so, don't worry. I'll make sure there's a bunny character in the game that can eat you and do other lewd things and has a proper place in town too. They just won't be the tailor!

I'll also probably add another kitty to the game somewhere. Kitties are cool. Not sure if it will be a snep, but, we'll see.

Anyway! This morning - after finding out that I'd be doing a spider - I have spent a couple of hours hashing out her character and her species. If she ended up being a leopard or a bunny this would've been a little easier, but, given that she's a pretty unique species I decided to put a little extra effort into it.

I am not really sure what she will look like yet. I will definitely be aiming for weirdly attractive rather than oh god it's a fucking spider. I imagine that she'll have multiple limbs and eyes but not have the huge spider dumptruck ass or anything. I'm not sure. For now it's irrelevant because I won't be writing her scenes properly for a month or two anyways. I'll figure it out then, but expect something along the lines of cute furry spider monster woman rather than fuck an eight-legged freak.

A few details about the character's backstory are ahead. There's a summary in bold at the end if you'd like to skip this or avoid very minor spoilers. 

I have decided that her name is Lasha. For some reason, I decided that I liked the idea of the spiderfolk having orcish sounding names. I don't know why, I just think it fits and it's kinda cool.

Lasha is from a distant land. Not distant as in across the ocean, but... distant as in deep underground. Lore moment - this is where most of the spiderfolk are from. They're a pretty reclusive and secretive species who don't often venture out above ground, but there are obviously exceptions to that rule, and, Lasha is one of them.

Anyway, Lasha is of a royal bloodline. A princess. Not of the entire underground - like the overworld, it's split into several territories. So, to be specific, she's a princesss of one the underground's smaller and more irrelevant territories. Spiderfolk are born in large broods though, so she's like... twentieth in line for the throne. In other words, it's not something that she's likely to sit on in her lifetime.

Her royal bloodline does give her access to magic, though. Without going into a ton of detail - yet - this is how she will transform people into clothes. I don't want to say too much because I want all of this to be fun and surprising in-game, but you become living sentient silk that she can weave into whatever she likes - whether that's someone's waistline or the bottom of their shoe.

Lasha's dream since being a youngling was to move above ground. She was always fascinated with stories that the travelling merchants had after returning from the world above. At the same time, she had always had an interest in tailoring - in weaving not just things with her own silk, but, with other materials - so, to Lasha, her ideal future seemed obvious. Open a tailor shop above ground so that she could spread her fabulous designs across a strange new world.

Her parents - who were highly protective as parents tend to be - were not supportive of this dream. They had plans to wed her to a prince from another territory's royal family when she turned 18. Lasha did not want to do this, so, she stole a substantial amount of wealth from her parent's treasury and fled to where she had always wanted to go - overground.

Following a series of events that I'm not going to spoil and reveal in game instead, Lasha arrived in Hellev two years after escaping the underground. With an ample amount of money, she was able to purchase a property and spend the next year or so preparing the building to be her tailor's shop.

Lasha found out almost immediately that people in the ignorant town of Hellev didn't trust her. They thought that she was creepy and strange. Not only was she from a distant and strange land with weird customs that they knew very little of, she also has multiple limbs and eyes and just... yeah, spider. Imagine the average person's reaction to a spider, except they can't squash it because it's a person so they just kind of have to deal with it instead.

But Lasha wasn't put off by this - at least, initially. She had a dream that she wanted to fulfill. In her mind, the people of Hellev would get used to her eventually and even come to appreciate her and her clothing! She was going to make the town beautiful and they'd all come to love her.

Unfortunately, things didn't work out this way. Hellev is kind of a bum town and is most certainly not the place where you open a high-class shop that sells expensive clothes. After a couple of years in town it's become highly apparent that the only work she's going to get is repair jobs and the occasional order from the mayor. Far from her dream of spreading her fine fashion across the entire overworld.

At the time the player enters Hellev, she's had her shop in town for about five years. Agewise, this puts her somewhere in her mid to late twenties, but... after having such a stressful time of things, she feels much older than that. Her shop has been in the red since it opened and things have just been getting worse and worse over the years. If it wasn't for the substantial amount of wealth that she stole from her parents long ago, then she would have had to close up shop a long, long time ago. Even that wealth is closed to being diminished now, though. In other words, despite her shop looking fabulous, she's about six months away from total bankruptcy.

The player might be able to help them a little with this, though. Maybe!

Summary: Spider Princess from the underground escapes to the world above in an attempt to sell high-class clothing in Hellev. It doesn't go well. Five years later she is close to the point of bankruptcy.

With her backstory established, let's get into the dispositions - or personalities, or whatever you wanna call 'em - that you can pick from for the poll.

Haughty & Rude

Haughty and rude and extremely arrogant. A proper spoiled princess sort of type.

Despite her shop going to shit, Lasha is still full of confidence and pride in herself. Indeed, she might just have too much pride in herself, actually. She is blunt and arrogant and often insists that she knows best - especially when it comes to fashion and anything that she considers herself knowledgeable on. She'll even go so far as to either vaguely or outright insult the clothing that someone is wearing. She'll most certainly not be impressed with the player's rags.

If the topic of her business ever comes up, then she'll vehemently deny that it's failing. Infact, she'll tell you that business is booming and to shut your mouth. Or something along those lines. In other words, she's in complete denial.

Smooth & Seductive

Smooth and seductive and... oddly dangerous. A black widow man-eater lady-killer sorta type. 

With her business running itself into the ground and nothing that she can do to stop it, Lasha has all but abandoned her dream to focus on more carnal pleasures that distract her from her misery. This includes not just fucking people but also eating them and turning them into living silk in the process - if she can get away with it, anyways. Most people in town know she's dangerous and even if they didn't they don't trust her anyways, but... Hellev has a fair few travellers passing through it and despite her strange features she is attractive, so... 

Yes, she's smooth and seductive toward the player because she wants to eat them. Why not? The player is just a traveler, after all... nobody will notice if they go missing. And it's not like she's killing them if she's turning their consciousness into silk and making it into a sole for someone's shoe...

Weary & Jaded

Weary and jaded and inches away from giving up. Wants to go home, but at the same time, doesn't want to see her dream die.

After five years of running an unsuccessful business in a bum town, Lasha is utterly exhausted and ready to give in. She knows that she'll have to return home in a few months, so she's too busy preparing herself for that rather than focusing on her shop. Expect her to be very tired and unenthusiastic about anything to do with her shop or tailoring in general. If you play your cards right then you might be able to get her to open up about other things, though!

This one might just sound like the heavily depressed option at a surface value, but, I promise you that it isn't. It's just a Lasha who's more keen to reminisce upon the past than focus on the present - she'll casually mention that she's a princess for example while the other two wouldn't. Like the other two options, she'll also have an air of arrogance about her - she was, after all, raised as monarchy.

NOTE: All of these will have an equal amount of scenes where some kind of vore happens and/or you get turned into some underwear or perhaps a shoe sole or, you know, the list goes on. You'll just have to get at them in different ways. Seductive actively wants to eat you so that probably won't be too difficult. For the other two, you'll have to get on their nerves and make them want to delete you, but... that won't be too hard.

That's it! Wow, this post ended up being longer than I expected it would be.

This poll will end in a week - so, January 24th. Disposition doesn't usually turn out in a tiebreaker but if a couple of the options end up running close - say, within three votes of each other - then I'll do a tiebreaker.

I'll have a story in a day or two. 'Til then, happy voting!



Wow, really interesting options and backstory I am glad that spider won. Don't get me wrong, I hate them and am afraid of them. But as they say, you gotta face your fears, else they eat you. Will probably happen nonetheless. And I think that she will be super interesting in the scenes. Spider biology is simply different and there are so many options. Can't wait to read what words, which I don't understand you are gonna come up with :D.