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Hello everyone!

It's the beginning of the month, or... close enough, anyway... so it's time for the usual sitrep thing that I do. If you're unfamiliar with this then it's dead simple - I basically just go on a rant about what I'm working on this month and what you can expect from me in terms of content output. In other words: here what me make.

The Hungry House

Last month I started development on a horror themed vore text adventure - or, a vorror game. My initial plan was to finish it somewhere around the middle of this month and then release it publicly for Halloween, but, I have decided to scrap that idea so that I can give myself a little more time to develop it. For that reason, it'll be launching on Patreon on Halloween this month - and probably going up public some time in December. For this reason I have changed the name from Kyoween to The Hungry House - because, you know, a Halloween-themed title isn't really appropriate if it's not launching on Halloween, at least publicly. Plus, I like this title more. It says more about the game.

The plot is thus:

One evening, you find yourself driving through a lonely forest. You're not sure how you got here, where you're driving to, or where the forest you're within even is, but...

... regardless, you are on the move. Going somewhere. Anywhere. Unfortunately, the beat-up old wreck that you're driving sputters to a halt beside a decrepit little log cabin. The place is creepy, ominous, and clearly abandoned, but with night rapidly approaching, you see no other choice but to take shelter within.

It isn't long before you find out that the house is full of horror. Of terrible creatures that want nothing more than to devour you whole. But by then, it's far too late to leave.

This will be a game made in Quest. It's not going to be a huge thing - it's definitely a mini project - and it's also going to be a little different from my usual fare, at least, in terms of gameplay. It's going to be less wander around a very large area finding vore scenes and instead wander around a very small but highly interactable area where the vore scenes find you... but not in a frustrating way that makes the game near impossible to play. Does that make any sense? Maybe not, but I promise it will by the end of the month.

Said vore will be in your standard flavors of oral vore, unbirth/cock vore, and anal vore. Might be an alternate vore type or two as well - at the very least there will be soul vore, I think.

Anyway, here's a screenshot. Just a random one to show you the rough shape of things.

I could say a lot more, but... I'll stop myself. A lot of the fun of this game will be in it's mystery, I think.

A Tiny Furry In A Huge World

I will also be releasing an update for this! Since I'm finishing up another game project this month though, the content on offer might be slightly slimmer than the past month or two. There will, however, be at least three brand new endings added to the game this month. One of them will be the wolf maw/sheathplay ending that won the poll last month, one will be a commission, and the other will be a fun surprise.

I will also get Bellus' area implemented into the game properly, and update the map to reflect that, as well as, you know, start to work on the guy's guide and stuff. This will all be part of the big v1.2 update - which I am hoping to get completely finished by December. If you don't know what's coming, it's going to add a ton of new endings, a brand new character (maybe even two new characters) and a brand new area to the map to boot.

I'm gonna aim to launch this first preview build around the 20th of this month - a little earlier than usual. I'll have an exact release date closer to the time. Look forward to it!


This month I am planning on releasing two big commissions. They are both Kyobi-centric, or, starring my OC. One is probably the most oral vore focused story that I have ever wrote, while the other one is a little more varied in it's approach and features a lot of sizeplay and other vore types. Both of them are pretty damn mean. One will be a very large 20,000+ words while the other will be a bit shorter at around 10,000.

There's also a possibility that I might have something else released this month. I've been working on it in the background for a while, but you might remember that a while ago I wrote a story with an open ending that featured a giant copyrighted fox pocket monster. Over the past few months I've slowly but surely been shaping up a sequel to that and when it's done it's going to be pretty special. That might end up being next month, though. We'll see!

I will also be doing some Halloween-themed vignettes this month - three of them, all going well. These will be small and fun little stories that range from between 1000 to 2000 words or so. I'll have one of those up this week, I think - tomorrow, maybe, all going well.

In summary, two big stories, three small ones. Two big booms and three little bangs. I'll stop talking about this now.

QUICK EDIT: So I might've overstretched a little here upon further consideration. It might end up being one big boom and three little bangs. Either way, uh, explosions? Sorry! I did the stupid thing of making this post before my schedule was set in stone - I'll make sure to not do this in future. Nothing else in the blog post will be effected, though!


There'll be these, too. First one coming tomorrow - or, Monday. What's it about? You'll see!

Mental Health

I feel great. Taking a vacation has left me in a wonderful spot where I feel supercharged. I haven't felt this eager to write in a long, long time. The reason for this is simple - during my time off, I 100% restrained the urge to write. Pushed it deep down inside of me. I wanted to write - desperately, sometimes - but given that it's my job I wouldn't be taking much of a vacation if I did so. Allowing that desire to brew and fester inside of me has turned it into a pure and beautiful passion. I have so many words inside of me that need to get out, and I really can't wait to share them with you all.

In short, I should probably take a vacation more often. Not like, all the time, but... a couple of weeks a year, maybe. I think that'd be acceptable.

I think that's a decent enough summary! I hope you all had a wonderful weekend. Also, you're all awesome. Yes. Each and every single one of you.

Poll in a few hours! See you then!


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