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Hello everyone! 

I hope you all had a lovely week. Mine has been very busy but in a good and productive way! Tomorrow evening I'll have a whopper of a story for everyone (about 15000 words) and, on top of that, around the end of next week (let's say the 14th or so) I'll also have a big Tiny Furry Quest update for everyone too. And hey I'll probably get a vignette done too! 

Anyway! On topic. This post is about a poll! To remind everyone, last month a blacksmith - or, The Forge - got added into the game as one of the town's locations. Two characters will fill that location - a male and a female. They're going to be best friends who fuck sometimes! Maybe they'll even fuck you.

This poll is about species - specifically, the male's species. Last poll I threw out a wide net on a bunch of species - and lion and crocodile came out on top. Bear also came in a distant third and I'd like to add it to the final if for no other reason than that bears are cool.

As the title says, this is the final round, so, the winner of this poll is the one who will be added to the game - no matter how narrow victory might be! I'll save my vote in case of a tiebreaker.

Please make sure you vote in the female species poll if you're interested!

Happy voting! I'll have a big story for everyone tomorrow!


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