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Hello everyone!

A Tiny Furry In A Huge World Plus is now out on itch.io! Hooray!

I sent everyone a message with a link on how to claim a free copy on the store. I wanted to hold off on uploading it onto Patreon directly for a couple of days because Patreon kind of has a piracy problem that I'm not going to directly address for various reasons including the fact that I'm not sure that I'm actually able to.

Today I'm uploading it onto Patreon for those in the $10 tier though because the last thing I want to do is end up inconveniencing people because of a piracy problem that I can't do anything about anyway. 

All I can say (and all I'm at liberty to say probably) is that I don't really mind where people source the game from anyway as long as they enjoy it, and, if they enjoy it enough, then hopefully later on they'll go on to support my projects somehow - and, if they don't, that's okay too. No judgement.

The rest of this post is just going to be a super positive ramble because things have been going great - so if you'd like to download the game, then just scroll to the bottom! I don't mind you ignoring my rant. I'm in such a good mood it doesn't matter! Rant commenting in 3... 2... 1...

Anyway! Enough about pirates, let's talk about something much more pleasant. The game has been a resounding success! Honestly way better than I expected. In the past 48 hours it has sold over 150 copies and is sitting at #5 in the charts for the 'new and popular' category on the itch.io store front which is honestly pretty wild! I never expected to bust onto the charts or anything but hey, I did it! On a niche store front on the internet but...

This means that the game has done exactly what I wanted it to - which is to give me enough income so that I don't have to take commissions for a few months so that I can finish off the commissions that I have while also finishing off Tiny Furry On A Huge Quest while also taking care of myself and not being stressed to shit because I'm constantly adding to my work pile.

If I'm being completely honest I didn't expect it to take a month - if you remember I said like, two weeks initially - but then again I never expect anything to take as long as it does. It was pretty clear though that it was going to take more than two weeks as soon as I punched into things. 

The majority of time was spent going through the dialogue and coloring it all. This is something that had to be done entirely by hand - there were no magic bullet solutions. It meant going through every scene, every room, every object, every single character, everything, and manually tagging dialogue with color codes. This wasn't a huge feat for some characters - Ms. Matthews doesn't have a ton of dialogue - but a character like Oscar... well, Oscar has... hundreds of lines of dialogues spread out over an enormous chunk of the game. Even someone like Mike has plenty.

At the same time I did things like make the screen clear more often so that there's no scrolling and tune up the backgrounds and fix up some really old bugs and also reword and retype as many sentences and rooms as I could. At the same time I was obviously refamiliarizing myself with the game and all of it's content so that I could write the guide - something which took a good chunk of time out of the month, too. 

All in all I want to say that I spent around two hundred hours going through everything - from the beginning of the month to the 28th. I estimate this based on the fact that I worked for at least eight hours a day on it for 24 days out of those 28 days. Why am I telling you this? Transparency, I guess. This has been an enormous focus for me and as a result I haven't had a ton of story-related content up this month aside from the vignettes. Even polls have fallen to the side somewhat - I'll have to finish off the forge polling next month, for example. And while I do apologize for that...

... this kind of needed to be done so that I can focus on my existing projects and clear my board. I need to finish my commissions and I need to finish A Tiny Furry On A Huge Quest and I need to do that in a healthy way where I'm not just constantly piling more work onto an already overfull plate. Launching this and seeing it be successful has been an enormous weight off my shoulders. As long as Patreon remains stable then the money that I've received from sales in the past two days alone should mean I don't have to take commissions for the next month or so - and that's not even accounting for future sales. Any excess cash is going to get funneled into either art or more sounds for A Tiny Furry Quest - and perhaps a mystery future project if things go well enough.

Anyway - long story short - this ate up a month, but, it was time well spent. A better work life balance will be achieved because of it and the content will flow more freely as a result. Everyone wins!

Now... here's the sappy bit. I couldn't have done this without any of you. Really, I couldn't. You guys are responsible for putting bread and water into my mouth (amongst other tasty treats) and let's not forget about that whole roof over my head thing. You are also responsible for me creating this entire game, because... well, if people didn't enjoy it, then I wouldn't have one of my very large reasons to create it. 

I am emboldened by your support every day. I am driven by your desire to see me work. I exist to create and I couldn't possibly be creating things for a better group of people. A large portion of the world may consider us degenerates, but I have received more warmth from this collective community than any other.

I will get better and I will get stronger. My games will continue to evolve. The next step is to take them out of Quest entirely - but that might not be until next year. Let's finish off this project first.

I'll post a poll on Saturday but other than that I'm going to spend the weekend charging up for what will be a very action packed August. We're going to have a Tiny Furry Quest update - a fairly big one because I've been working on that one in the background all month - and, also, commissions galore. I'm real excited for August - it's gonna be a banger.

I'm not gonna do a changelog for this release. Consider it a brand new game! It might as well be - I spend hundreds of hours changing the face of it. Enjoy!


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