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Hello everyone!

Boy howdy I'm very sleepy! I've been up for like... the last who knows how many hours working on this. At least twelve of them, but, probably more. All of that work hasn't been for nothing, though! All is complete and tested now, and... I am very happy to present this one to you.

Let's get into the changelog, shall we? Over 20,000 words of new stuff this month... and what is basically a whole new game! A small one, but it's in a big one. I think they call that a mini game, but I'm gonna call it video turducken.


The Dungeon Master's Betting Hall (Location)

- The Dungeon Master's Betting Hall has been added to the town square in the prologue! You can find it by... well, going to the town square in the prologue!

- The Dungeon Master's Betting Hall adds two new characters - which are the mature female raven Ygraine and her young bat husband Takayuki.

- Ygraine and Takayuki have an absolute ton of dialogue that you can enjoy (if you like!)  

- Some of this comes with some sounds that have been done by the excellent CuttleScuttle (as always) I might not have got the volume right on these (yet) so be wary, headphone users

- At the stall, you can also meet Tia and Clint. You're from out of town, though, so... don't expect them to be friendly!

- Currently, you can't ask anyone in the town about the stall after you've visited it, but, this'll be changed at a later date. I wanted to get follow-up questions added for Wilson and Gianna and Jamie and also probably Hart but implementing this and writing it took up all of my game time this month. Expect this in a patch further down the road.

But what about the game itself? Well...

The Dungeon Master's Betting Hall (Game)

I really wanted this to be special. At first I was planning on doing a very linear and very well scripted thing that would only have a couple of possibilities, but...

... in the end, I decided to go wild! I decided that this whole thing was meant to be a gamble. With that in mind, I wanted the game to play out differently every time someone played it! 

I encourage you to just try it out rather than read too much into it! But if you'd like a full explanation of how things go...

- The game takes place over four rounds. It can end during any of them.
- Before the game begins, Ygraine will make a dice roll to determine how much gear the micro has. This gear can potentially save the micros life if they get into a scrap with the monster!
- Ygraine will then draw one of three monster cards. These monsters are a slime, a fire serpent, and a small dragon. This determines what monster will be placed in the dungeon with the micro... and what monster will ultimately devour them!
- Then, the game begins. The objective is for the micro to collect as many treasures as possible - up to four. Collecting all four means they'll win!
- Combat with the monster is possible. It doesn't always go in the micro's favor, however.
- As they attempt to navigate the dungeon, though, they'll not only have to deal with the monster and the maze that surrounds them... but also, traps! Two of the rounds involve traps, and there are five of them in total (chosen randomly). These traps have multiple effects! Usually they just influence how the micro and the chosen monster goes through the dungeon, but... one of them can vore the micro outright!
- Traps are creeping vines, the hall of mirrors (this leads to self vore) an audience participation round, a grease trap, and, a hall of flame!
- You can do things to influence the micro's fate. Sometimes.
- For now, the micro
cannot win the dungeon. They will always meet their end on the fourth round due to... circumstances. There is, however, five different vore-related endings! They can be eaten by the monsters, and... two other things.
- After the show (if you have graphic digestion enabled) you can watch the micro melt a bit through an orb. Depending on what they get ate by, the text is different!

So... yeah! With the monsters and the random traps... there's a lot of possibilities! You could play through this multiple times and get multiple different results.

In order to make getting your chosen result easier, I have added a Dungeon Master's Betting Hall cheat thingy to the Patreon Cheats on the main menu! This will allow you to pick the gear that your micro gets as well as the monster that they encounter, making it easier to get the result that you want! REPEAT: THERE IS A NEW CHEAT ON THE PATREON MENU AND IT IS GOOD

I am very proud to show this off to everyone. I think it's probably the coolest bit of content in the game so far! It took a REALLY long time to put together - more time than I thought it would - but it was completely worth it in the end.

One of the nice things about taking my time with this was that I made it relatively easy for me to add new monsters later on! So... expect a couple of new monsters and maybe a trap or two in the future?

Even ignoring that, though, I will be adding more content to it in the future - if only to polish off it's edges and maybe spruce it up and make it even more random? Who knows. This is a fantastic base to work from, though, and if I never add anything to it I'd be pretty satisfied.

Anyway. All in all, with the maze, the new dialogue, and all the new stuff... this is over 20,000 words of content. I really hope you enjoy playing it as much as I enjoyed making it!

A quick note: you cannot place an actual bet right now. This will be coded in later.
Another quick note: there is a
really rare bug that happens sometimes where the game will stall. You won't run into it, but, if you do, make a save file and send it to me over Discord. <3
Another another quick note: you can't use the elf yet, but you
will be able to in future. It'll be part of an exciting sidequest.
Last one seriously: this is using some placeholder backgrounds for now and is missing sounds and art in places, too! this will be added as polish as the months go on. i'll also add some dialogue to the other townsfolk so that you can tell them you played in the show and such and ask them about ygraine/takayuki. the most important thing is that it's feature complete!


- The reaper has been disappeared and replaced with a character that I'm going to mysteriously call Mister Sunshine.

- Mister Sunshine is a mysterious character - as implied above. When you die, he will say things - up to thirty random things, actually. Then you'll be spat you back out to where you perished.

- Apologies if anyone was an enormous fan of the current way death was handled but the reason for changing things is twofold. One, the old system was quickly turning into spaghetti and needed to be recoded anyway - and, two, I wanted the process of being 'reborn' to be a bit more subtle and way more mysterious. I also wanted it to be quicker and less rambly so that the player has to spend less time in that state. Wait, that was three reasons.

Bonus Endings

- i haven't added any of them to the game yet, not even the one i wrote. just not enough time!

- i'm really sorry things got away from me this month the dungeon master's betting hall ended up being WAY bigger than i thought it would ever be. i am behind on MANY things but i luckily now have a catch up period

- I'll make it up for it next month, I promise! If you haven't read Reiko's bonus ending you can read it here. Jamie and Clint's will be turning up very shortly!


- Tia's unbirth scene now has an amazing audio loop courtesy of CuttleScuttle!

- Clint's cock vore scene now has an amazing audio loop courtesy of CuttleScuttle!

- The audio is fucking fantastic as always and I would one hundred percent suggest revisiting these scenes with it implemented. The only thing I'll advise is that I might not have gotten the volume right just yet - so make sure your headphones aren't set to maximum.

- CuttleScuttle has done a bunch more stuff for me but I haven't implemented it into the game yet. Expect to see it trickling in over the coming months, however!

the usual

- I updated the title screen again. I think this'll be the last time now - I'm pretty happy with it!

- I fixed some weird bugs!

- I typed some typos!

- BIG MILESTONE: The game is now 300,000 words large, or, very close to that. The game is now longer than a very long book. Cool!

P H E W  I T  I S  O V E R

I really hope you enjoy the betting hall. It is, most certainly, my favorite piece of content in the game so far. Remember, there's a new Patreon cheat to help ease the randomness of it somewhat.

You might be wondering where the basement content is. Well... short answer is that I'll be speaking about it this month in a blog post. Long answer is that I got a chunk of it wrote but simply didn't have time to implement it. This means I have a head start for next month, which is good!

What else can I say other than happy fucking playing? I really hope you enjoy this one. I'm going to stop saying that now. Okay one last time. I really hope you enjoy this one because I really enjoyed making it.

For those of you who want a return to micro shenanigans - well, micro shenanigans where you're the micro - there'll be lots of that in July's update, so... please look forward to it!

PLEASE NOTE: In case it wasn't obvious, this is a huge update with lots of different variables going on! As a result, there will almost definitely be a bug here or there. Providing they get reported to me, I'll have the major stuff fixed by tomorrow morning. Anything minor will get patched up during next months big update.

Happy playing!


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