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Hello everyone!

Wow! It feels like it's been a bit since we've done a disposition poll. Probably because it has! If you're unfamiliar with the concept, then we're basically just deciding the guy's personality here. What guy? Well...

... you might remember that I plan on adding an alchemist to this game! An alchemist that was, as decided by you, to be a snake! Sorry, rat fans - but I promise you'll get something soon! What, exactly? You'll find out one of these days.

Anyway. Snakey snakey snakey. What kinda guy are we gonna have? I'll give you three choices and you pick from 'em. You have until July 30th to make your vote. What are the choices? W e l l . . .


Slithery! What does this mean? He's a very sneaky guy. Charismatic - extremely charismatic - but at the same time, you wouldn't be surprised if you found him round the back of the church graverobbing. Makes shady deals all the time and probably asks you if you want to be a part of them. You're an outsider, after all, so who cares if you get offed?

Of course, if you're a goody two shoes, then you might just disappear! Into his stomach! Given that he's a snake, he's very good at swallowing people. Even if they're not micro! Snake vore in the prologue? Yes, absolutely!


Hissy! What does this mean? He's aggressive! Angry! He barely wants you in his shop at all, actually. He doesn't like the smell of you and you're an outsider so you better grab what you need and get the fuck out with as little questions as possible or...

... well, if you're too annoying, then you just might find his jaws opening up over your head and suddenly, you know, you're somewhere warm and wet and awful! Oh no! What will you do? Digest, I guess...


Slippery! What does this mean? He's a very sneaky guy, but, unlike slithery, it's not obvious! Infact, at face value, you might think that he's a great guy. Just the best, actually! Enough that you'd trust him with your life even though he has a knife pointed at your back. Make an effort to see through him, though? Look at his shop and ask him the wrong questions and make the right connections? Figure out that he's really a slippery little bastard? Well...

... you get vored, obviously. No matter what wins there's snake vore in the prologue. I just have to, guys.

That's it! Pick your venom now!

Sorry that Reiko AV didn't get uploaded tonight! I got very distracted writing a certain bird's dialogue so I ended up not finishing it like I thought I would! It'll be up tomorrow - along with this month's bonus ending poll!

Happy voting!


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