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Hello everyone!

Around the beginning of the month I like to do a biggish status update to let everyone know how things are going. There's nothing alarming going on - it should be pretty smooth sailing this month, actually - it's just kind of a what's coming this month kind of thing. So, don't feel like you have to read this or anything!

Tiny Furry Quest

This month I will be continuing to work on this. Here's what I'll be adding specifically!

- Basement Content (more on this later)
- Raven + Bat Added To Town Square (more on this later also)
- Big Prologue Tweaks
- Reiko Bonus Ending (AV), Jamie Bonus Ending (probably paws), Whoever Wins The Current Polls Bonus Ending (who knows?)

That is the short list. Here's a bit more.

The basement content is going to be something new and exciting. I kind of want it to be a bit of a deviation to the rest of the gameplay somehow. My first thought was to do an RPG mechanic sorta thing but I'm not a hundred percent sure that I'd be able to make it work in the way that I want to so I'm going to try messing around in Quest a bit over the next week or two to see what I can make happen. 

Depending on how things go this might take two months to develop rather than the one. But I do have a lot of time dedicated to it in my schedule this month so it might all get done! No promises, though. As said, I want this to be cool - feel cool - and have plenty of fun macroy vorey moments, too.

The raven/bat content is much more defined, though! I haven't given her and him a name yet but I have drafted out a little bit of their stuff today. They're going to be appearing in the town square running their micro dungeon which you'll be able to play bets on! For those unfamiliar with the concept of a micro dungeon, it's... well, it's a really small dungeon. Modelled after a real one, even, or, so they say! Micros are ran through it and they have to dodge all the traps and the miniature fantasy beasties or... well, they get eaten, of course!

In the prologue, you'll be able to participate in one of these games - and even place a bet with the few coins you have. If you want to (though you don't have to!) you'll also be able to enter that pesky elf into the running. Will she win? Maybe - she's quite tough! But she definitely won't if you sabotage her from off-stage somehow! Which will probably lead to some creature getting a full tummy.

Later on in the game - a fair bit later on - you'll be (forcefully) made to run through one of these dungeons yourself! But that's not gonna be for a little bit yet...

Something else that I decided is that I'm really not happy with the cooking ending that I wrote. I was sick fleshing it out and after becoming well and getting some clarity I've decided that I'm going to rewrite it completely. I understand it's a niche thing and it's certainly not something that a majority of my audience are into so it's not a huge deal or anything but because it's a niche thing I'd rather do it right and have it be something that I can be proud of. So probably expect that next month too - maybe - it's on the list, anyway.

There will definitely be three bonus endings. I am going to focus on those before I start doing basement stuff properly so that there's a nice variety of new content with a bunch of characters (some of them new, even!) in case I don't get that complete.

I will also be adding some surprise things that I am not going to talk about here.

Phew, that was a bit. I think that's about it, though? This month's update should be a fair bit bigger than the last. Opening up Tiny Furry On A Huge Quest and reorientating myself in stuff that I'd wrote a fair few months back was pretty tough honestly (reorganizing all the rooms to an order I now understand took like three days by itself) but I'm back in the swing of things now and it should be smooth sailing from here.


Last month I played fast and loose with my schedule on these and it didn't really work out because I ended up floating around a bunch of things rather than focusing on something and getting it done. Combined with this and opening back up Tiny Quest I've not really had the commission output that I want. I'd like to get about three things up a month along with the two smaller vignettes I'm doing right now.

So I've made a proper schedule where I will dedicate myself to working on certain things daily until they're complete rather than floating around picking at things. I've been doing this for a couple of years now so you'd think I'd have a foolproof method for knocking these out on a regular basis but truth be told I'm still figuring out how to get into a creative rhythm with writing these stories and getting them out.

Anyway long story short is that I'm going to try and get three things out this month - along with the two vignettes - so, five stories. I'm not going to say what they are but they're going to be a varied and fun bunch, so, look forward to them!


There will be some! I don't want them to dominate my content like last month though so expect there to be maybe two or three less overall. In the spirit of that, I'm not going to make this section of the post about them very long. Cheers!

Mental Health

I'm doing good! There's not a whole lot to report really. I'm pretty much over the salmonella now and even during it I managed to keep a pretty level head. 

One noteable thing this month I am going to try and engage with my community more on Discord and also the people who have been kind enough to reach out to me even though I've been pretty quiet over the last month or so working on things and figuring myself out. Don't expect a massive blowout where I'm throwing a party every day or anything I gotta do my work but I will be trying to pop into the server and also look at and reply to my DMs and stuff!

As always there is the usual 'working for yourself' stress but that is counter-balanced somewhat by 'you are your own boss' but also sometimes being your own boss is stressful. Sometimes I wish I had a boss. Like, a nice boss. Or maybe a manager. An agent? A voregent? I regret typing that out but I'm not going to delete it.

Anyway! That's about it. Also, that's about it for this post.

Sorry about the mess up with the file upload earlier. If you click 'publish now' before the file is done uploading then it obviously doesn't attach it properly and that's what it did. To be honest I'm not used to uploading 85MB files to places routinely and that's how big Tiny Furry Quest is now though that's because it's full of a bunch of useless junk like old backgrounds and things that I definitely don't need anymore. So it'll probably be a fair bit smaller when it's finally done.

Hope you're all having a lovely week!


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