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Hello everyone!

So I concluded the gender poll this morning. Female won - but by a single vote. In circumstances like these I'd ordinarily do a tiebreaker, but given that there were only two options...

... the Dungeon Master's Betting Hall is owned by one person - a female - but she also has a male assistant. A male assistant who will also have a bevy of interactions and be just as meaningful to the place as she is. So, yeah. The place is owned by a female - but there's also a male heavily involved in some capacity. I like things to feel balanced, and it would make sense that a travelling gambling micro dungeon road show would be ran by more than one person, so...

... yup! The next poll is going to determine their relationship. For example - are they friends who have been running the business for a long time together? Is the male just some orphan boy that the owner picked up off the side of the road and raised as her own? Or are they an auntie and nephew pair, perhaps? Or maybe something else! I'm not sure of the options yet.

 After that, we'll run the species poll... and after that, we'll run disposition. I'm not going to open the next poll immediately because I'd like a few hours to chew over the specifics. This is an unexpected variable, but, one that I am happy to deal with! More variety is good, and, like I said... it just makes sense that she'd have someone who was helping her out full-time with all the work she has to do!

So, yes! Both options win! Everyone's happy! I hope!

In other news, Being Human is just about done, is over 17000 words long, and will be uploaded tonight - or in about twelve hours or so. I just put the finishing touches on the almost final draft but I want to take a break (I've been writing for the past eight hours or more) and get some clarity before going in and tightening everything up. After I've posted that I'll give it a few hours and then post the next poll - which, again, will be relationship-based for our two new characters. Later on this week I'll be posting at least one of those vignettes, too! It's going to be pretty special because it's wrote outside of my usual style. Howso? You'll see, you'll see!

See you in a few hours with a huge story!



I'm exited by the potential to see a macro couple. :3


Kyobi, you are a godsend!