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Hello everyone!

Here is this month's Tiny Furry update log. Many things have been changed and I'll be going into decent detail on all of them. If you're not interested in reading a detailed changelog then there's a short one at the end that summarizes all of the changes.

As always I'm going to get on with it instead of ranting too much because there's a lot to cover!


Event Room

The Event Room has been added into the game - sort of. For now, it's only accessible from the Patreon Cheats section of the main menu. It's a brand new and very much in development room that'll be properly implemented in v1.4 (along with lots of other things). It's an event room because people throw events in there. Y'know, like parties and stuff.

- The event room will house many cool things (that I will talk about in a later post) but for now it houses a cupcake. Interacting with this cupcake will allow you to meet brand new fae dragon character Bellus - and experience an oral vore scene with him. It would be best described as unawareish - he isn't aware of the fact that he's swallowed you, but he does become aware of the fact that you're in his stomach later. He doesn't care, though.

- Said oral vore scene is very graphic digestion - particularly if you take the time to look at the objects in the room.

- Speaking of time, you'll now have plenty of it because, unlike other tummies in the game, Bellus' stomach isn't on a timer. Instead, to move his belly through it's three phases, you just have to click on a wait command at the bottom of the screen - which will give you plenty of time to read the text. Depending on feedback, I might change all tummies in the game to work like this.

- The object descriptions  in his stomach change massively depending on what phase his stomach is in, so, if you're a sucker for detail, make sure to read their look descriptions in every phase!

- Bellus' stomach has a background! I had a screenshot prepped to show it off but why spoil the surprise? Go see it in game.

- This is probably the most descriptive and detailed and 'advanced' tummy room in A Tiny Furry yet. If you're into graphic digestion then it's some really good stuff. I wanted to do something for the turbo masochists because the bulk of this update has been pretty friendly.

Oh, and, speaking of backgrounds...


I've said in the past that I probably wouldn't do it because it would take a lot of effort to comb through old code and implement it - and it did take a fair bit of effort - but I went ahead and added backgrounds for every area in the game. Some of these are subject to change (what isn't) but for the most part I imagine they'll be sticking around for a bit.

Note that Bellus' stomach is the only one that has a belly background, however. I will be adding stomach backgrounds for the rest of the characters eventually. I have someone drawing custom stomach background artwork for A Tiny Furry On A Huge Quest right now and I might either get some stuff specifically for A Tiny Furry In A Huge World or reuse it in some fashion. Don't expect that for a little bit but it will happen.

I was going to post a bunch of screenshots of the new backgrounds but, hey, the game is out so just download it and take a look. None of them are game-changing or anything but they do make the game a lot more visually appealing in my opinion!


This is another one of those things that I said a while back that I couldn't really do due to Quest's in-game map thing being complete dog shit. Now that I'm older and wiser and more experienced, though, I simply came up with my own way of doing an in-game map. While it isn't completely ideal it's pretty close and I think it looks pretty nice. Take a look!

The X moves around depending on where you are. Here you're in the lobby. But if you go the lecture hall, then...

... it moves around, which is probably what you expected! There's also a map for the outside too.

So, yeah! Pretty cool. You can access it by clicking the brand new button found near the rest of the command panes.

You also notice there's a guide button. This button doesn't work yet because I haven't implemented it yet, but, eventually, I will add a full walkthrough to the game that has details on how to obtain every ending and get to every character and do all the things. Naturally this is a lot of work because there are like 150 endings or something in this game (no exaggeration) so writing a guide to them all will take some time but I'll chug away on it in the background over the next few months so that it can be added to the next version.

I also changed some aspects of the college's layout to accommodate for this map design - mostly the positions of the exits/entrances on the West Wing Corridor because in retrospective none of the directions made any sense anyway.

Speaking of changing stuff...

All Rooms Reworked

Every. Single. Room. Not the scenes - they're still exactly the same as they always have been - but the rooms themselves. This is everything from the college's rooms to Emily's stuff to the fox's chase sequence to stomach interiors. This has been done with the objective of making everything easier to navigate and understand while also making the game look better.

It's difficult to explain how without throwing a couple of comparison screenshots at you, so, let me do that:

Old College Lobby

New College Lobby

Not only has the text been tweaked, but, hyperlinks have been added for every exit and object. This means that all you need to do is lightly click on something to move along now rather than type in the command or remember what direction you want to go in before hitting it up top or on the compass. Not only that, but it just makes the game look better by highlighting interactables and making navigation clearer.

This is something that I should've been doing from the start, really, but limited knowledge in both Quest and game design itself prevented me from doing so. I was only going to do this for the hub areas but in the end I decided that I wanted every room to be consistent with this so I spent the majority of the past two weeks combing through every room, rewriting where necessary, and changing details to accommodate. This was no small task because the game has a fuck ton of rooms at this point - but I wanted to do it because with my Patreon count climbing higher and higher, I feel more and more of a responsibility to bring my game(s) up to a higher and more impressive standard. Doing this sometimes means spending a couple of weeks on busywork rather than explicitly making brand new content. The good news is, though, this is now done and these rooms should never need to be revisited again. I am now happy with them and how the game is laid out. It was worth spending the time on it.

Some rooms were more effected by this than others. I rewrote a lot of the fox chase rooms in order to be able to link the objects into them properly, for example - so fans of those sequences might notice some extra text there.

I know that in the grand scheme of things that this is quite a 'boring' change but I think that it's one that, in time, everyone will thank me for - including myself. Navigating the game on a backend is now much easier also due to me renaming the majority of the rooms and exits into sensical names rather than whatever random shit I was naming them back in 2020.

This is one of those things that you'll feel playing the game rather than reading about it through a changelog, I think - so, download and play, and see how much easier it is to move around and find things! Who knows - maybe you'll find something that you've never found before?

Combine all this with the fancy new backgrounds and the map and all of the other small tweaks and A Tiny Furry In A Huge World is almost feeling like a new game. At least, to me!

Even though this took a while to do, it'll be much easier to do this for areas and rooms going forward because I have the knowledge! Sorry I took about two weeks out to do this, but... like I say, I think it's worth it.

Other Things

Yes there are other things but I thought that they weren't really significant enough for a whole section.

- The new intro has been rounded off, finished, and cleaned up.

- The push pin has been temporarily removed from the game due to a huge fuck up on my part. Consider v1.3 pushpinless. Don't worry, though, it'll be coming back in v1.4. The needle has been added to the top of the couch as a result because it serves the exact same function.

- The weird watch in the courtyard has a brand new and more exciting introduction that involves backgrounds and a brief animation and stuff. More content has been commissioned for this and I'll be working on it steadily over the next few months. By the time that I release the next preview build for Tiny Furry expect me to have added a few additional TF endings here.

- Rachel's content has been cleaned up. I have more things that I want to add to it still but I didn't really have the time with everything else that I was doing and I deemed the clean up to be more of an important task. Expect more content to be peppered into this over the next few months.

- You can't interact with the trophy cabinet until you've met at least one character now

- Obviously there's all the other stuff that isn't brand new this is just the totally new stuff. I'll go through EVERYTHING ADDED TO V1.3 in the TLDR patchnotes which are coming right now!

TLDR Changelist

Here's a shortened down summary of what's been added in v1.3.

- Rachel (the shrunken dog from Emily's route) has now got a storyline where she gets big and you stay small. It's 50,000 words long and can be easily accessed through the Big Rachel Content option on the Patreon cheats section of the main menu. It has a high focus on romantic content between a big and a small.

- A brand new character called Bellus has been added to the game as a preview for v1.4's content. He comes with a brand new room - the event room - and has a graphic unawareish oral vore digestion ending with the most detailed tummy room in Tiny Furry yet! Bellus can be found by using the Event Room option. Thanks to everyone who voted for him! If graphic digestion isn't your thing then don't worry - he'll have a few non graphic endings in the future too.

- Hannelore has a brand new peaceful ending involving mawplay

- Aimee has a brand new peaceful ending involving mawplay and cum

- Oscar has a brand new unaware sheathplay ending

- Jackie had a brand new aware anal vore scene added

- Janice and Charlotte have a brand new slumber party ending that involves you getting swallowed

- All of these endings are easily accessible from the Patreon Cheats section on the main menu

- Strange device in the outdoor rest area now has a cutscene sorta intro. You could call it a cutscene I guess so let's go with that

- A title screen added to the game

- New backgrounds for almost every area in the game

- A fully functioning map has been added to the game. Neat!

- Every single room has been redesigned, making it much easier for players to move around and find things

- Patreon Cheats has tons of cool things, including warps to the majority of Ms. Matthews, Aimees, and Janice's endings, as well as every area in the game currently
- Lots of other tweaks 

Things that have been removed on accident:

- The push pin (but it's coming back and you can just use the needle for now it's literally the exact same object)

That's it!

Apologies that I've gotten a little behind on commissions this month. I had planned on doing more story writing over the past two weeks but with all the clean up and backgrounds and maps and implementation I've been a little tied up in Quest. I will now be taking a break for a week or two from anything Quest related in order to catch up on comms and make sure that I don't lag too far behind with them again.

Tomorrow I will be rounding out the month with a dev blog about v1.3 and also what's coming in v1.4 in a few months after I'm done with that Tiny Furry On A Huge Quest thing. EDIT: Will just do this at the beginning of May in the big beginning of May post, actually!

Happy playing!


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