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Hello everyone!

So unaware anal vore wins! Hooray! As promised, it will have a disposal ending included. You'll likely see it sometime in May - like (most of) the previous bonus endings, I'll probably upload a plain text version of it before the game's update.

Speaking of plain text bonus endings, I'll have one for the dragon uploaded by the end of the weekend. 

This week I have spent a lot of time working on various things for both A Tiny Furry In A Huge World and A Tiny Furry On A Huge Quest (to prepare for the new few months) and as a result I haven't had as much time to spend on stories as I would've liked to. I will have that chapter out sometime next week - it ended up being a fair bit longer than just 10000 words, hence the delay! Fox Pizza will probably come early May. Apologies for the delays on both of those, but with the boom in Patreon numbers I've kind of been hyper focused on game development - at least, this week!

And the results have paid off, honestly. I've done some really nice stuff to A Tiny Furry In A Huge World over the past few days that I am excited to show off to everyone at the end of the month. It's pretty substantial stuff - not just in terms of raw text output, but in terms of making the game look and feel nicer and easier to move around in and easier to read because goodness I have rewrote so many things over the past few days. A lot of my earlier writing on Huge World was really unconfident so going back over it and giving it a fresh coat of paint has been liberating, but, also a little time and focus consuming. I've done my best to not alter the source text too much because even though it's a little shaky at times it's weirdly important to me to make sure it still has the same sorta feel as 2019 me.

Anyway, stopping myself from going off on one. It'll be up by the end of the month, so, please look forward to it!

Back to business. Reiko's weird anal vore poll. Why is it a weird anal vore poll? Because a few people reached out to me and expressed that they genuinely enjoy actual unaware anal vore (like, the pred doesn't notice you at all) and I realized that I had wrote completely unaware anal vore before so... anyway, I ended up a bit indecisive. So as I always do when I feel indecisive I decided to put it down to a poll.

Note that I'm not saying that genuinely unaware anal vore is weird or anything, I just thought that it was a funny title for the poll.

So, two flavors of unaware anal vore here. Genuinely Unaware wherein the big ol' lizard doesn't feel you going in at all - and then Unaware Until It's Not where she'll feel you going in and then she'll react to that in a manner appropriate to Reiko.

I'll do disposal either way so don't worry about that.

Happy voting! See you with fae dragon noms in a couple of days.


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