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Hello everyone!

Thanks for participating in the poll! It was a really cool one to watch. I honestly expected Tiny Furry In A Huge World to win explosively so to see it come so close was a really nice feeling for me. Both games have fans and people have favorites and that's super cool!

Anyway, this is the bonus ending poll for Feburary. It's time to select the character that you'd like to see get a new ending!

This month I took off the people that won last month, removed the wolf because I dunno what to add to him really, added a couple of new options, and also added Mike back because I needed to balance out the genders that were being polled and hey people seem to like him so why not!

In other news, I have delayed the Hannelore ending a bit (don't worry it will still come this month probably sometime next week)

But do not despair! The reason is super cool I promise. I am currently working on something else in Quest that is going to be new and really cool and have lots of macro/micro in it! It's a small but brand new game that I've been planning for a little bit and am finally getting around to actually making. It's not really a text adventure in the traditional sense but it does have a lot of my usual text smut and world building and whatnot in it. It should be ready by the middle of next week all going well! 

I don't want to say anything more than that because I'd like to surprise everyone with it. I promise it's super cool and I don't really think that it's something that's been done before, especially not in Quest!

Don't worry about this random new game taking any serious development time away from either of the other two games that I'm working on. It's very small and I won't be adding anything to it aside from bugfixes and such when it's done. 

Why am I doing this? Last month I was kind of feeling in a bit of a rut and I decided earlier this week that I needed to take a few days away from working on the next Tiny Furry In A Huge World update to revitalize myself a bit for what will be the last charge on a big batch of content. Rather than doing absolutely nothing at all I decided to make something brand new to get my creative juices flowing. Something that I could make in five days or less, basically. My other two game projects are really huge so I thought it would be a relief to work on something bite-size in terms of development and writing - and I was right! This was exactly what I needed, and the results are shaping up to be really exciting so far. I'm looking forward to showing everyone it soon!

Anyway, enough vagueposting. Happy voting!


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