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I just wanted to wish you all a fabulous 25th! Leading up to the holidays I've been taking a bit of a break - just a day or two - hence the quiet! Expect a couple of posts before the end of the year, though! Not just Tiny Furry and it's endings - but, other things also. Like that long overdue kobold story amongst other things.

But for now ... it Christmas for me! I hope everyone reading got the opportunity to relax a little bit over the past couple of days too. I feel relaxed and recharged and ready to smut again!

See you in a day or two with PORN! 


Valargent (edited)

Comment edits

2022-03-04 08:15:29 Happy holidays to you as well my Queen <3 I hope you are well and having a good time!
2021-12-25 19:40:06 Happy holidays to you as well my Queen <3 I hope you are well and having a good time!

Happy holidays to you as well my Queen <3 I hope you are well and having a good time!


Merry Christmas, and happy holidays! I know everything will have been well worth the wait, and I look forward to everything you've been working on! I'm glad you're feeling refreshed before the start of the new year!