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Hello everyone!

Wow! An update on Sunday before midnight? I'm finally starting to get used to the new schedule!

Another 6000-7000 words this week! Here's what's new!

- The floor of Oscar's dorm room has been given a description.
- Oscar's sleeping on the floor route has been extended. This means that if you choose to sleep on the floor (regardless of which way you do this) there will now be extra content on this path. If you don't want to go through all of the story stuff leading up to that point, then you can now use the helpful command floorzoom!
- Poolzoom (which takes you to the beginning of v1.0 stuff) and oscarzoom (which takes you to the beginning of Oscar's segment specifically) still work as commands if you want to replay anything!
- To advance to the new stuff, make sure that you look at everything on Oscar's dorm room floor (the bedside table and the 'strange substance')
- This extra content comes in the form of a trip to the mall with Oscar! The mall has two (technically three endings)
- A crush ending
- A soft vore ending
- A hard vore ending
- A food court area has also been added to the game (in the mall route). The room description/item descriptions change depend on what's happening at any given time in the area! I may have to tweak the timings in this room, but if you like flavor text, there's a lot here!
- You can either choose between soft vore or hard vore or have the game randomly pick between one or the other. If you don't want to see hard vore (or soft vore) then the game will warn you before it happens.

To summarize - the only path that's been updated is the one that comes from sleeping on the floor. Next week I will continue the path that comes from sleeping on top of Oscar without consent. The week after that, I will continue the path that comes with sleeping on top of Oscar with consent. Then, the week after that ... I will release the final preview for v1.0 and it will be COMPLETE! In other words, by the end of December, v1.0 will be complete ... and then, we can move onto the next thing!

Make sure that you download QUEST from textadventures.co.uk so that you can play it!




Literally just discovered that you can type "use staple on strin" and the command *still* works! Now that's foresight. That has nothing to do with this update because I haven't gotten to play it yet! Can't wait though. New locale!


It was a long time ago - over a year - but the moment where I made 'use staple on string' work is a weirdly memorable moment for some reason. I wrote the suggestion 'use string on staple' in game just so that anyone unfamiliar with Quest or Text Adventures in general would pick up the basics. That's the whole point of the climbing tool in essence, to introduce the fact that there's a command box that you can that is sometimes relevant. Weirdly the command box has gotten less and less relevant as time goes on for accessibility reasons more than anything else. Anyway, that rant aside, I remember thinking 'hmm, well if I've wrote that as a suggestion then someone obstinate will probably write it the other way around' so I quickly made sure that the command worked both ways so that nobody could call me out on that. Maybe it was memorable because it was the first time I thought about how a player might approach the game? Who knows. Maybe I should write more game dev blogs on here, I clearly have a lot to say about this and other things now that I think about it.