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Hello everyone! Anthro female is the winner of our last poll!

v0.8 is coming along nicely! The 23rd continues to be the date. As usual, it'll probably be released toward the evening. 

I don't talk about myself often in these things, so, here's a thing related to that. Lately I've found that the majority of my creative flow comes late at night. My best writing usually takes place between, say, 10PM and 6AM, which is ... odd! It means that I go to bed very early and wake up extremely late. This doesn't make me feel unhealthy in any way. I still see the sun (and get a decent amount of it) but you always get this feeling that you're not a real functioning member of society unless you go to bed at 11PMish and wake up around 7AM. 

While this is true for a lot of occupations, it's not true for my own. I feel dumb when I call myself a 'writer' but there are a lot of classic examples of creatives who work best at night. Whether this is a chemical or a psychological thing I have no clue, but it is evidently true in my case, at least, at the moment. No matter how much I try to write during the day, the well is dry. When I write at night, it is full, sometimes overwhelmingly so.

But that previously mentioned feeling, that guilt, is something that I always feel despite my best efforts. It can be distracting sometimes, admittedly, but never so much that I am not able to focus on my work.

Anyway! That is why stuff (like this post) are usually released late at night. I assume that this is pretty much fine since everyone is in different time zones anyway, and it's not like anything here is ran for a particularly limited time, save for polls, which tend to run for at least 24-48 hours.

Speaking of polls, here's another one for you! Species time! Rather than have fifteen options like last time, I have decided to condense and pick out the most popular ones from the previous polls, creating five options that should have a somewhat versatile appeal. They'll also hit species that aren't already in the game, which is always nice!

The poll below is multi-choice, so feel free to vote on as many as you like. I'll keep it running until I release the full jobby of v0.8 on the 23rd.

Tomorrow I'll be throwing a story up, a little sorta vorey short. Later on the week, I'll be posting a reeeeeal biiiig story, but this will likely be after A Tiny Furry v0.8 has released! I know some of you like to keep up with those, so, consider yourselves informed!

Happy voting, and see you tomorrow!



Night Owls are a thing! But it also could be from tiny "daytime distractions", such as traffic, that affect your focus. Or it could just be Circadian Rhythm shenanigans. ᶜ'ᵐᵒⁿ ᵃⁿᵗʰʳᵒ ᵈʳᵃᵍᵒⁿ...


I believe in the power of Squeak Squad.

