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Hello everyone!

Going to talk about a bunch of stuff today. It has been a while since I've done a big ol' check in with everyone and told people how stuff is going, and what my plans are for the future.

The below (and the above) is essentially just a stream of thought rather than anything I've edited, so, please forgive any typos and grammar issues and all that shit.


Busting right into some news that all of you have probably guessed already; Vorevival has basically been canned. It's been months since I've posted a preview update on it, so I doubt anyone is going to be shocked or upset by this news; but it's effectively been put on ice, and probably for good.

There are a multitude of reasons for this, but the most prominent is that I was unable to really perfect the RNG elements of the game in order to make an experience that was satisfying for everyone. Some people want to win all the time; some people want to lose and be vored; and other people want to actually play a game, and I'm just one person who works out of their bedroom, so, in the end, I ended up spending more time tweaking the game's various bits of code and such than actually writing porn.

So, I'm really sorry if anyone got massively invested in this project! I always touted it as being a bit experimental and, in the end, it was a fun experiment. I've been wanting to say this for a month or so but I haven't really gotten the opportunity until now.

So, now that the 'cancellation' of Vorevival is all officially stated and shit, let's talk about the game that is actually being worked on every week. 


I want to keep writing A Tiny Furry In A Huge World for a long time. I'm not saying I want to be banging against a photon keyboard writing it when I'm old and grey, but it's definitely something that I want to keep doing for at least the next few years. So in terms of this particular project going anywhere, you don't have to worry. The future of A Tiny Furry is secure, short of me dying of a heart attack tomorrow, because if that happened, then nobody would be around to write for it.

Since I have a (relatively) clean bill of health, or at least, am not upon the brink of death, rest assured that I will be dropping updates for it every week for years to come.


Come v1.0 of A Tiny Furry, there will be a dozen giant people in the game, and it will likely be over 200,000 words long. At that point, I think it might be time for me to shelve the shrunk in a college idea and move onto a different setting. This is something that I'd like to do personally as a writer. A similar scenario (and a similar 'game') but in a different world. It might be another modern location, or it could be a fantasy location, or even something sci-fi related, who knows. It's something that I will poll later down the line.

A series of 'A Tiny Furry' games all set in different locales but with similar 'gameplay' elements is an idea that appeals to me. Kinda like a big set of massive vore-themed CYOA interactives, I guess. Naturally, I'm not sure if it's an idea that appeals to other people. If the majority of people on Patron are dead set against it (again, it will be polled) then it's something that I won't do - I will just keep adding onto the college location forever, I guess - but it is my personal preference as a writer to explore a new setting, new characters, and all that shit.

If you think this sounds like a great idea or a horrible idea, please sound off in the comments section below!

Regardless, this isn't something that we'll need to worry about until December, probably. v1.0 is still a little out of our grasp just yet.

Expect the next preview for Miles and Andy on the 13th, by the way!~ It should be a good one. I think one more preview after that, and we'll be pretty much done with the update, and we can sail on through to v0.9! What's going to be in that? I dunno! I'll poll everything like last time.


Just so that everyone knows, I'm doing great! Losing my job sucked, but I have fallen quite nicely into the whole freelance writer thing, and I have been able to feed myself and keep a roof over my head.

This is all because of your support. While the majority of my cash comes from outside of Patreon, I would've never had the confidence to even consider being a full-time writer if it wasn't for a whole bunch of awesome people liking my work enough to throw me some money on here. Everything that I'm doing now is entirely because of you guys. Whether you've been here since I launched the thing back in January; or whether you subbed yesterday, thank you. All of you give me an incredibly pleasant reason to exist, which is writing magnificent macro/micro porn.

Thank you for ... everything, really. Yes, I'm talking to you. All of you!

And ... I think that's about it? Just a quick progress report, and some musings for the future. I'll see you all again on the 13th with another big squishy preview that has more Miles and Andy in it, and, surprisingly, a bit of Claire.

Until then, enjoy the rest of your weeks!



I think the different settings would be great! Even in relatively "modern" age, there's a lot to explore. Tropical islands, dense cities, rural towns! Personally, I'm a fan of fantastical settings! A shame about Vorevival, but totally understandable. It's why I avoided RNG in my own game... And you're welcome! Keep knocking it out the park.

Slyster K

Ooooh! I can't wait to see the direction you take with A Tiny Furry! This all sounds awesome, the future is gonna be great. Shame about Vorevival, it was a good idea, but I understand why it's been put to bed. Oh well. All hail A Tiny Furry!