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Hello everyone!

I'm popping up a post here to let everyone know that the next release of A Tiny Furry is getting pushed back a few days. It was originally going to come on the 26th. It will now come on or around the 29th, possibly a day before, possibly a day after, but no later than that.

The reason for this is really simple ... I desperately need a break. After working on the game tonight, I realised that I am very much just hammering words into the game without really thinking about them properly. I am very much at the point of creative burnout, and I need to put the game down for a day or two and not think about it. Allow the juices to simmer, or something like that ... so that when I write it, I can feel inspired.

Naturally this is my job, and I understand that I have a commitment to all of you to provide content, so I'm not going to disappear for weeks or anything! But I very much need to take a few steps back, recline, rest, and work on some other stuff, just for a day or two.

I appreciate everyone's patience with this. I will make a post later in the week (probably tomorrow) with some stuff that will hopefully tide you all over until the next update!

Hope everyone understands! Love you all!



Take a break! Every good artist does so. Fishing for ideas is like the real deal: there's only so many fishes in the sea at any given time. Give them time to propogate, and suddenly there's a harvest.