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Hello everyone! Here is this week's update of A Tiny Furry In A Huge World!

This week, I was hit by a pretty bad hardware failure that made it so that I couldn't work for a couple of days. The problem with my laptop has since been fixed (fortunately) so I've been able to work for about three or four days this update period, rather than the usual seven. As a result, there isn't quite as much crammed into this update as I'd like there to be! Don't get me wrong, there's still A LOT, but my hope was that I could get a couple more endings in there ... specifically, I wanted to finish off the vending machine. This is why this is Preview 1.5 rather than Preview 2.

With that SAID, however, I will be bringing everyone the next preview build in three days time (or, August 21st). This will give me time to add the stuff that I wanted to add, as well as pack a little extra content in there for Miles and Andy, our new giants..

With that ramble over, here's the changelog!


> Added BRAND new area. The College's Outdoor Rest area is a place where students can hang out and catch a break while they're on campus. Since you're only a couple of inches tall, though, there's little chance of you finding any rest there.

! ! ! IMPORTANT NOTE ! ! !: This section of the map is currently unattached to everything else. To access it and everything else in this preview build, please use the command debugzoom. You don't need to be any specific room or in any specific state to do this. Just type it when you launch the game, and you'll be in the new area with the new people!

> Added Andy, a playful Red Pand(y)a. He'll be immediately available when you first hit the rest area.

> Added Miles, a seductive black panther with a dangerous feel to him. He's not immediately available, but he will be after a little messing around in the new area.

> Both Andy and Miles have lap rooms, so feel free to climb them! There's objects and such up there, but none of them are functional right now. Still, I feel like some of you will enjoy the descriptions/climbing segments, so please check them out!

> Added two new endings, one for Miles, one for Andy.

Happy playing, and see you on the 21st with another preview!



I kinda want to hug Andy... He's really cute. You did a good job writing him (and Miles) so far!