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Hello everyone,

I have been thinking about making a (Patreon exclusive) Discord server for a couple of months now. If you've read past blog posts, you might have heard me whispering about it before but never really doing anything about it.

I realized that I'd like to communicate more with everyone and I feel like a good base to do that on would be Discord. By doing this I would be putting myself into a public sphere. It's not somewhere I'd be able to be 24/7 or anything like that but I'd most certainly be around a couple of hours a day to take suggestions or otherwise just shoot the shit, you know?

Aside from being a place where everyone can talk to each other, it'd also be a place where people can share art and other pieces of writing that they've enjoyed as well as memes and the like. Essentially just a place to hang out with like minded people. There will obviously be rules but nothing too stringent, basically they will boil down to 'don't be a twat to anyone' and 'respect people's boundaries.' You know, the usual.

I am going to poll this as a simple yes or no - if you vote yes, then it's essentially something you'd be interested in potentially interacting with - and if you vote no, then it's something that you wouldn't be interested in. I know that this is two extremes but I don't really want an in the middle option, so there you go.

Please note that I'm not going to be offended if the vast majority of people vote 'no'. Please only vote 'yes' if you are genuinely interested in forming a Discord community. If a decent enough amount of people are interested, I'll make the server. If they're not, then no problem! We'll keep things as they are. Naturally updates and whatnot will stay on Patreon regardless of the result, and this place will always be used as a talking point for me.

As a side note, just in case you missed it, v0.7 was uploaded here last night, so please check that out if you haven't already.

Happy voting!


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