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v0.7 (Preview  1) is here! Yes, I have changed the version formatting a little bit ... mainly for the sake of my own sanity.

This preview adds a bunch of new stuff for our new cruel feral predator! There's only two endings available right now - but they're quite detailed and fun, in my opinion - and they're achieved by doing very different things to the standard update. I don't want to spoil too much, so please just go ahead, download it, and check it out!

I have also made a couple of changes to the UI in order to make it less harsh on the ol' eyes.

The new area can be easily accessed by typing 'zoomfox'! If you would like to walk there manually, however, then you may do so by going to the Campus Parking Lot.

Either tomorrow (the 15th) or the day after (the 16th) I plan on posting a pretty hearty Patreon post about my thoughts on the polls and how I'd like to use them going forward. To be brief, though, I think they were a really great success and I would like to do many, many more of 'em, so ... expect that!

Now that the building blocks are down, Preview 2 will feature a fair few more endings than this one, and a continuation of what's currently happening in the update (again, not spoiling) I want to get each update completed in 4 preview builds or less, which would match up with my 'one version update a month' dealie.

Happy playing, everyone!


Slyster K

Am I doing something wrong with the boulder part? I've tried leaving without the moss, but it just kicks me out. And rubbing it on just wins the puzzle, and I'm back to the start. How does one get the vore ending? And while I'm not really into cruelty, the paw crush ending was very well written! Nice description on the being pressed down and the character of the fox herself seems very fun!

Slyster K

Ooooh, I'm a dumb. Didn't realize it kept the status of being mossed up after winning. That was a fine little vore ending too! Nice work Kyobi!