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With the results of the last poll being clear, let's move onto species!

I think twenty-four hours is a decent enough span for everyone to be able to get their votes in. I'd love to be able to give everyone more time, but I actually need to start making the update, so I need to figure out what people want fairly quickly so that I can, you know ... do that.

Expect polls daily for the rest of the week. They will run for twenty-four hours. If for whatever reason you don't have time to get your vote in before the next poll goes up, please private message me and I will add your vote to the tally. If the next poll has already gone up by that time, though, then it's probably too late. Sorry!

Today is species. It's multiple choice, so you can vote for one in specific, or all of them. I think I will run all polls like this in future, probably.

I have included six options here, but I am happy to accept suggestions for you guys. Post them in the comments! Then, other people can vote for them by liking them.


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