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Hello everyone!

So, one of the things that I promised for people on Patreon were 'dev blogs' of sorts. I realised that I haven't wrote one of these yet, and there's actually quite a few things that I'd like to say about the future of the game and this Patreon. I'm gonna write it in a newsposty sorta format. You certainly don't have to read all of it (or any of it, for that matter) but if you are curious about the inner machinations of what you're paying for, by all means, have a read.

Recent Game Development

Progress on the game has been slower than usual lately. I do intend to remedy that when I've gotten through the commissions that I have. I actually plan on v0.5 being finished by the end of the month at the absolute minimum - but I'm actually aiming for around the 19th-20th for the Patreon completion day, because that gives everyone a good chance to play it + preview v0.6 before the month is up. 

Here's what's left to do in v0.5 before it's finished:

- I want to add a couple more routes to Aimee. I'm just not sure what I want to add yet. Suggestions are welcome, but by no means nessecary. I'll figure it out eventually.

- Finishing up the Emily stuff. I want to have a few different endings depending on what you can do, and a few different vore/giantess stuff involved to add some kink value. This has been an interesting route to path because it's mostly linear ... it's a mini story, in a sense. The other characters are very much just 'choose your own death' via interacting with whatever object. In this update, there's a lot more freedom to be creative in terms of putting obstacles and such in front of our 'hero', and I have been enjoying that ... but it does require a great deal more thinking.

So, all in all, not a great deal ... really. The Emily route is about halfway completed, and I reckon that I could write it in a week or so - which is something that I'll be cracking on with this week to hopefully get the update out. The 20th isn't a promise ... but it's what I'm hoping for. Regardless, there will be a preview build out before then ... likely around Friday or so.


I planned on opening a Discord up when I had a sufficient amount of Patreons to be worth it, really ... and I'm at that point now, I think.

The only hesitations that I have when it comes to opening a Discord is that I wouldn't be around to moderate it, so I'd have to trust people to play nice. As a matter of fact, I'd probably only be able to interact with the Discord infrequently at best - but I think it would be nice for hosting stuff like Q&A sessions and maybe doing giveaways and such.

As a content creator, I have a massive interest in nurturing the community that's developing around me. I'll be putting up a poll later in the week asking about who'd be interested in a Discord and who wouldn't be, and I'll clearly outline what it will involve, especially in terms of how much commitment I will be able to give such a thing. I definitely want to become more involved with you guys, it's just ... there's only so many hours in the day!

Story Previews (Commission Stuff!)

Here's a small sample of the commissions that I've been working on lately. I've not named any names for the sake of privacy. Unfortunately, I can't show you every story either ... but I can link some!

The King's Harem

A sequel to last month's Hail to the King! Big male growth here.



A story about My Hero Academia. It's not something that I watch - and it probably shows - but the commissioner was happy with it, so there you go.


Thiccer Amelia

A Bloodborne story about one player's experience with Vicar Amelia. Click if you wanna read!


Thank You Everyone!

Thank you to all of my current Patreons, new and old. Some of you have been with me for three months or more now ... which is amazing. Some of you have also been with me for twenty four hours ... and that's also amazing!

If there's any feedback that you'd like to leave, or questions that you'd like to ask, then please leave a comment below. Alternatively, you are also welcome to inbox me.

See you later on in the week!



Hoping Easter was fun! Out of curiosity, will any of these stories be posted to FA? I think the last batch weren't?


I'm gonna be dribbling 'em out to FA over the course of the week, this batch and the last batch. I've just been lazy on making thumbnails and putting them up. They'll be uploaded in no specific order ... just whatever one I happen to click on in my stories tab. Everything will get uploaded to FA eventually! I should probably be more diligent, considering that's where the majority of my readerbase is ... but sometimes, the website is just a pain in the arse to use.