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Hello everyone!

Sorry that I've been quiet over the past three or four days, but I've been feeling a little bit under the weather recently. This has happened a couple of times in the past month or so, mainly because I've had some kind of bug that I've been working through and not letting my body getting completely over, mainly due to a lack of sleep and proper nutrition on my own part. This is completely my bad - there's loads of stuff that I could be doing to take care of myself better, so ... I decided to finally go ahead and fix some aspects of my life.

The past few days have been spent finally sorting myself out. I've gotten myself a bunch of vitamins, had some medicine, and had a good rest and just allowed myself to recharge over the past couple of days. Solid plans have been made to improve my diet. Even while I was off work I was constantly working on stuff, whether it as on or off the computer, when I really should have my feet up like I intended to. So, in other words, overworking myself ultimately had consequences for me.

Fortunately, I am well back on the mend, and am back working on the game and my commissions. v0.4 will either be out later tonight or, at the very latest, tomorrow evening (perhaps into the very early hours of the night) so that I can have everything properly uploaded before the end of February. Then, I suppose ... we will move onto new characters and new places! Where will we go next? Who knows.

Thanks to everyone for your patience during this, and thank you to my new Patreons!


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