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Hello everyone!

I'm writing this post before the end of month just as a quick status update to let everyone know that I'm doing good and am presently alive and well.

There has been no official diagnosis made yet on my dizzy spells (or drop attacks as they're called, apparently) but the most likely one at the moment is not life-threatening or, for that matter, life-ruining. It's going to take a few more tests and a couple more doctor's appointments to confirm it, but presuming that it is what they think it is then it's something that can be managed via medication and, well, living reasonably healthily.

I don't want to really go into detail on a probable diagnosis - I'm not being evasive here for privacy's sake, more because I don't want to run my mouth on what might be happening - so when I know for sure I'll post up some concrete information and let everyone know what's going on. I owe it to everyone to keep you all in the loop, especially after how patient everyone has been with me.

You may have noticed that neither of the stories that I said I'd post up have been posted. While I have been working on them as best I can between doctor's appointments and making sure that I rest, neither of them are going to be ready before the end of the month. They're very, very nearly done, so they will be here in the next few days, but going back and forth the doctor's has taken more energy out of me than I thought it would. On top of that, last weekend, I was genuinely sick, like, unrelated to the dizzy stuff, I had a virus that left me drained on top of everything else.

I'm not making excuses for the lack of content and I do want to apologise: no matter what's going on, I made a promise that I wasn't able to keep. As a content creator it's my main goal to create content consistently. It's not a burden or anything, it's something I genuinely enjoy doing - I love my job - and being consistent is good for my motivation besides. It's difficult to be consistent when there's been so much medical stuff/stress going on, though, and I should have been aware of this rather than overextending myself and promising too much. It's that goal to be consistent that made me do it, though: even if I'm in pieces I want to be able to deliver fun things to everyone.

For that reason, even if I screwed up this month, I want to let everyone know that I plan on doing my very best to get back to being content consistent in April. Tomorrow there will be a beginning of the month post - right at the beginning of the month, yes, on the 1st and everything - and I'll go over my plans for all the juicy, juicy things that are coming up next month there.

Besides all that, I hope you've all had a lovely month. Once again, thank you to everyone for all of your patience and kindness: it really does mean everything to me.



You've been amazing at producing great bits of writing in the four years i've followed you. And that's just since i got into your patreon, i honestly can't remember how long i read your writings on the text adventure website. Before joining your patreon. I'm in awe at how much effort you've poured into writing smutt for us. You can has a little sick leave. As a treat. :3


Kyo, your works continue to be a joy. I hope you feel better soon and I know we all appreciate how genuine & upfront you are. Rest up and take care, okay? <3