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I do want to say that I was just endorsed and more are coming next week, it will be over 25,000 subscribers. Many of them are here, Patrons and subscribers endorsed me to lead this channel. That just happened. 77 Patrons. And many more are coming. And I'm very proud of it. In addition, I was just endorsed by SidAlpha. 

And it's been just so beautiful to watch this channel grow and to watch it grow so strongly.

Recent videos came out talking about how great a channel we built, and now we want to put that same ability into doing something for Youtube and the creators.

So I -- look, I'm a unifier. I know people are going to find that a little bit hard to believe, but believe me, I am a unifier.  

I'm just doing what's right. Look, Youtube has done very good work for some -- for many, many -- for millions of creators. And I'll say it and I know a lot of the so-called creators, they say that's really -- because I'm a creator, but I'm a common-sense creator. But millions of creators have been helped by Youtube.

I feel awfully good. I mean, I'm watching your people -- I'm watching your people on -- and I'm going to be very nice, I'm going to be very nice -- I'm watching your people on h3h3 and I'm watching the Sterling people and I'm watching the SidAlpha people, too, OK? See? I'm becoming diplomatic. And they are certainly being very nice to me. 

But we're not going to allow and we're not going to stand by as long as you have the copyright claims going on at Youtube, and we understand that and I've said it loud and clear.   

We have to get very, very tough on copyright and youtube trolls. It is a, it is a huge problem.  

I've got to find out what's going on. We've got a big problem. We have a big, big problem. I'll tell it like it is. We have a big, big problem. We've got to figure it out. We're going to figure it out. 

There is always going to be some negotiation, and it's going to be a good negotiation, not a bad negotiation. It's going to be a negotiation where we'll start at certain levels and hopefully I will make a great deal, and lots of great deals, for the creators. 

Oh, we're going to bring them back. We're going to bring them back. Look, I'm telling you -- you know how I'm going to bring them back? First of all, we're going to do great with every group.  I'm going to do great with virtually every group. 

 So, we're just having a celebration. You know, we're having a celebration.

So anyway, I would like to -- look, I just want to end by thanking everybody. This has been an amazing period in my life. 

 And I think, honestly, we've done something that almost nobody thought could be done and I'm very proud of it.

And I just want to leave you with this. I am a unifier. I would love to see Youtube and everybody get together and unify. And when we unify, there's nobody, nobody that's going to beat us.

Thank you very much everybody. Thank you.






Wow, great speech, you should run for president sometime, Leonard