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Former California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger has filed an Amicus brief in Moore v. Harper, a case about the balance of power between state lawmakers and state courts over electoral district boundaries. These maps can be drawn to unfairly favor one party, allowing a minority party a guaranteed win over a majority. Moore v. Harper may decide whether state courts can intervene when lawmakers draw gerrymandered maps.



Former California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger has filed an Amicus brief in Moore v. Harper, a case about the balance of power between state lawmakers and state courts over electoral district boundaries. These maps can be drawn to unfairly favor one party, allowing a minority party a guaranteed win over a majority. Moore v. Harper may decide whether state courts can intervene when lawmakers draw gerrymandered maps. #SupremeCourt #gerrymandering #Moore #Harper Continue the discussion with the Lawful Masses Discord Community: https://discord.gg/SpC2utzr56 Support Lawful Masses! patreon.com/ljfrench sponsus.com/law THANK YOU SUPPORTERS! Nov 2022 $50+ Supporters: Eevi, Spirit Bear, Ugly Grill, torpedan, Gutbrodj, PureMagma, Eric Tams, TechTechPotato, The Blood Soaked Survivors, King Aires, Kyle Siefring Nov 2022 $5+ Supporters: Christoph Bolliger, Arron Washington, Keith Marrocco, Dustin Rodriguez, Josué Vicioso, Brian Flowers, Mark Curtis, Lazy Wolf, amelius, Meaningless, Aethero Toland, Nick Bush, John Swanson, matthew beller, EvoGamer, tdis8629, admalledd, Priscilla Astling, Schi-Schi, Kreachers, khagerou, Dawn Massaro Guy, wrozmo, Rita Loy, robfrawley, Medeka, ChessWithADHD, David Zaslavsky, Christian Ullrich, Roger Chen, Brian Roush, Rudolph Bescherer Jr, Firstname Mclastname, Lydia Collinson, HotGrillsInYourArea, JH, Stephen Bank, Tron Bårdgård, Mark Randall, Sarah Gerweck, Matthew East, Pat Delaney, Mario Bonales, Euchale, Ian McDonald, Marcus Agehall, Omega, Sokar117, Jonathan Robillard, Amanda Gillies, Justin Waddell, Nathaniel, Tony Cruickshank, Jason Lingle, Zzyzx Wolfe, Kasaryth, Oisin Creaner, Dimitrios Georgakopoulos, TEEKAY, Stefan Persson, CombatZAK, Alexander Sihn, Naomi Pool, Andrew Reid, Gregory Ford, EnvyingWrath, Brody Eastwood, sehro, Brian Rossman, FunnyHats, Dzyan, Chris Lindsay, Rico Robbins, Darkwolf, John Peter, Kai Raphahn, Andrew "FastLizard4" Adams, Kean, Si Wellings, Jessica Pearson, LbxAni, Daniel Ducharme, Ph.D., majikthise, foonix, TheEuphoGuy, Brian, Matthew Bertrand, Jack Draak, RedR0ze, DyneOnline, Eye_Make_Stuff, Nick Rowland, Timothy James Dodd, Scott F. Comstock, James Melanson, Lewis, Kat Willhite, DreamerDon, Alan Nise, anton.molyboha, The Disturbed Angel, Elliott Ingram, Eric Woodley, Raindrop Works, Liryca, Logan Stromberg, scj643, eyebrows360, Chris Connett, Haplo, Michael Ciesielski, Chris Hilliard, Travus, Greg, Q Squared, Eric Barker, Jason Glaesemann, Jeffrey Cash, Gef the Mongoose, toadbear, Gergely Varju, DrJKL, Lawrence Groupe, Michael, AnnoyedRook, itheoryon, cwestpha, DrakeDT, Andrew Venier, Bill Tonnies, Rabid Ronin, Thomas Dinsdale-Young, Katrina Middleton, Zendane, varia, jag1110, pizzafourlife, Bill Somerville, ChaoQueen, Mike Dunford, Peter Huston, rcmaehl, jak_ub, James Oxford, WarrantyVoid, Warren Rumak, Evan Davis, Michael Stokes-Byrne, c, Jorge Vittes, Nate Gray, Tony Webster, Ross, Dustin Bosveld, RunsWhenChased, ricin, Fubar, Tymorus, Bryan Lubeck, PinkFluffyTeddyBear, Paul, Rodney Nelson, Presumptive Patron, Rovert09, Ivan Chepurnyi, Thedougler303, Rob Voisey, Kris Hetzel, Negligibly Negative, Maarten Wisman, Christina B, Robert Z, sean murphy, Matthew E, OsculatingPlane, Landon Noll, Thomas Richard Tetreault, Justin Bassett-Green, Ryan Schott, Richard Margolin, Robert Maehl, CostlyFiddle, jsteelkw, Jennifer and David Brock, David LeBlanc, void, Zoonist, Foxtrek_64, RenyPetty, XPEric, Blueberry Hill, balayanr, zensalad, Andrew, A Baked Potato, Aaron Harvey, Learethak, Wolfendragoon, Emily, Tyy_, Dave Meyers, TheAmazingDave, Dood Monkey, Kantorock, AvaGlass, Deleted, jSON, Greg Edwards, Jabberwoky69, zoulnix 00:00 - The Checks & Balances 01:11 - Gerrymandering 02:38 - Issue in Moore v. Harper 03:29 - Gov. Schwarzenegger's Interest as Amicus Curiae 04:24 - Schwarzenegger Introduction 07:45 - Argument: Supreme Court Precedent 08:43 - Hildebrandt 09:15 - Smiley 10:10 - Arizona Independent Redistricting Commission 11:08 - Rucho 12:01 - Argument: Constitutional Originalism 17:00 - Argument: Petitioners violate Precedent 22:15 - Argument: Stare Decisis 27:28 - Reliance Interests 28:30 - Partisan Gerrymanders Threaten Democracy 29:53 - Independent Redistricting Commissions 30:40 - California's History of Gerrymandering 35:28 - How California's Indepedent Redistricting Commision Works 36:49 - Gerrymanding Examples 38:20 - Conclusion 39:17 - Leonard Thoughts 41:12 - Credits & Thanks!


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