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So! I was sick(ish) this weekend and spent the weekend mostly lying down. Saturday's chapters are going up right after this.

Additionally, the poll for which "Side Project" I start hasn't had any new votes in long enough that I feel like it's time to close it. To those who's favorite choice didn't win, please know that all of those ideas will get written by me, I just sadly can't work on all of them at once. But I'll get to them! I love all of the ideas I come up with, and the ones that make it though the filters I have to see if they're worth pursuing are all my precious babies that I want to share with the world.

Finally for this note, I already saw where the poll was headed, and since all of the ideas are already somewhat fleshed out in my brain I can happily say that Chapter one of the Middle Sister Buff/Debuff LitRPG story idea is done! It's going to go up after I get Saturday's Blood Shaper posts up, and everybody is going to get Chapter One to start. There won't be a set release schedule, they'll go up as I get them done, and after the first chapter we will get the tiers into it. To start, we'll go with a 1 2 3 thing with patreon exlusives for now and see how that goes. So that means everyone is going to get Chapter One, then once Chapter Three is up $5 patrons will get Chapter Two, once Chapter Four is up for $10 patrons, $5 patrons will get chapter Three and $2 Patrons will get Chapter Two at that point and so on. Subject to change as necessary, but we'll start with that.

Once this fisrt book it done and I get it up for publishing (I have to picth it to my editor and the publisher but idk why they'd reject it) We'll see how my life/schedule looks and see if we continue this book/series/overseries as the next thing or grab another project to work on and show off to you all.


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