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Nichole just doesn't understand things. lol

Nichole: So why am I changing into this?

Kyra: It's called a swimsuit. You're suppose to wear it when you get in the water.

Nichole: There's a suit for swimming? I don't see how it it's going to help me learn to swim.

Kyra: It doesn't help you learn, you wear it to cover you body.

Nichole: It barely covers anything. If I'm just going to get wet anyway, why do I need to wear something?

Kyra: You need to cover your. . .lady parts.

Nichole: Aren't all parts of me lady?

Kyra: Yes, but. . .look you need to be decent. You don't want other people seeing you naked.

Nichole: Why not? You're seeing me naked right now.

Kyra: I'm not a stranger though.

Nichole: You're acting pretty strange to me.

Kyra: OMG. Just put it on. . .

Jewel: lol

Characters & Pic © CoronVirsin



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