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Hey guys!!

If you read this that means that I sent rewards to you!!  💌  Please check you private messages on patreon!

I also want to notify you that some changes in rewards were done:

- Mei portrait placed to rewards $5+
- Pharah portrait placed to rewards $10+
- I corrected Tifa breast on SFW image, also updated the image here:  Tifa :nsfw optional:  . Here you can see before-after image: Tifa: before and after
- I made additional NSFW image with Tifa for rewards $10+
- Corrected Mercy legs for NSFW images
- Corrected Pharah face on portrait 

So I hope you will enjoy all rewards ^^

Those who pledged for previous month rewards - please send a reply to me!! 

Once again I thank you all for supporting me! I'm really happy to draw for you and I will try to create awesome artworks this month 🌸 

 P.S. If you didn't get rewards that means : 

- you had deleted your pledge before Patreon started to charge payments;
- you pledged in the beginning of September. That means you subscribed for September and rewards will be sent on 4-7th of October;
- you declined the payment;
- the payment hasn't gone through yet.   




Wonderful month, as usual all your art is amazing. Thanks for your hard work, looking forward to your plans for october!

Frank Leo

Thank You


Great art this month, sent a reply with the request of the additional month but never received the requested tier. Looking for $15 tier 19


Thank you very much, dear! <3 I hope I will complete one art soon) I made a sketch of it a year ago and started to paint only now!


No problem ^^ Btw, past month rewards were sent, please check your messages ;)


Glad you like September rewards! And past month pack was already sent, please check your messages :)

Anios Selindar

Send you a message ! My god, OlchaS, what a beautiful pack. <3 Thanks so much, i'm lovin' it a lot !!!