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Shortly: Once next week starts I put my Patreon page to pause till April. This means Patreon will not take your payments for March! But I will stay active and will share with you anything I create :)

Now full info. I've been planning to take a break in March anyway, because I needed to visit a couple of doctors in my home city and my mother. I was a bit unsure about this but covid which took almost two weeks of my life made it clear: I have to put my page to pause for March.

This means there will be no rewards for March and you will not pay for this month! I remind you that my page is NOT set to up-front and the payment for the current month normally goes only on the 1st of the next month.

I also understand that some people joined in March for tiers 20 and 30 to get February rewards. And understand that waiting till payment goes through only in May (for April) is too long. It's possible to get previous months faster via donations/tip system on my Boosty. If you need this just write to me!

What will be going on during the break:

Weeeell... I hoped to make some simple arts and to hold streams. But again covid brought some changes in my plans and, in fact, I will have less time. But I still hope to spend some time with you once I'm back home in the end of this week.

Also need to inform you that in another city I faced some technical issues and can't reply to your messages as fast as I hoped. Thank you very much for understanding!

If you have any questions feel free to ask!

Thanks a lot for your attention! Wish you a nice day😘🌸


And here is this doodle with chibi Mui without text✒️




Take care of yourself that’s what is important. We will be here when you get back

Jon Hutto

Thanks for the update. Take care of yourself and I hope every works out great!