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A quick sketch... because I got a bit angry~ 

 This character was on twitter and then on Facebook as being redrawn in a "better" way. I didn't like the artist's idea to create a better version of an anime or any cartoon out there~ the realistic proportions....ahhhhh... there are so many variations that it's a bother to even start talking about it!
I didn't see her anatomy as being a bad anatomy proportion because she hasn't any flaws. She looks like a child... myeah! I'm 26 and people that don't know me think I'm 16! lol

And maybe to make it more plausible I actually had in my class, when I was 12, a girl with big boobs and once she turned 17 her boobs were huge and she wasn't even fat!! I don't know how big her boobs might be at this age, but still!
Also, in faculty, while waiting on the corridor, there was a freaking skinny girl that had freaking huge boobs. I was so envious because I was skinny too~ I had 45kg~ T_T I want boobs too~ anyways, this is not the point here! What I want to say is that boobs can be any size and form; they are different, and they don't play by any rule! You have mostly fat in there and it depends on what you eat, probably, who knows! But anyways, draw your character any way you want it~ if you want her to be skinny with big boobs, no one stops you! The same goes for the other shapes! There are plenty of variations!

ps: I don't know how to draw big boobs, that's why I stick from small to medium size boobs~  




This is very well said.