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不少朋友都知道,我以前是在 Fanbox 上的投稿的,为了方便后来的支持者,这里是一个接近完整的往期合集,希望你们喜欢!

不过,如果方便选择饭盒的话,我还是更推荐那边,因为 Patreon 索要的费用是那边的双倍。特别是对于那些非美国支持者来说,只能说不给上税就狠宰一笔不愧是你。

这只是一个小小的建议,因为那边也有不稳定的因素在。不管哪个平台哪种方式吧,真的非常感谢家人们一直以来的支持。 爱你们。

As most of your guys know, my previous posts are on Fanbox. So here is an incomplete collection of past issues for my Patreon fans.

Although, I would recommend you consider choosing Fanbox if it works for you since the fee is doubled here on Patreon, especially for those non-American supports. It felt insane when I found out they took more share from us than Saul Goodman from White (they win at 19% against 17%).

It is just a bit of humble advice. Either way, I really appreciate your consistent support. Thank you very much! Love you guys!



Thank you for providing the FANBOX back-catalog here. When I was supporting you on FANBOX, I was able to get some of the older posts, but there were a few that I missed. This will help me complete my collection 😉 I do wish that Pixiv FANBOX would be more forthcoming concerning the implementation date of their posting ban on AI-generated works. Perhaps they have decided to delay implementation due to "push back" (opposition) from the AI creative community. I can only hope this is the case. If Pixiv decides to formally reverse their decision to ban AI works on FANBOX, I will resume my support for you there. For now, I do not wish to support Pixiv at anything above a minimum level because of their new anti-AI-art policy. In compensation for the higher "cut" (percentage) that Patreon takes from contributions, and the unfavorable exchange rate, I elected to increase my support level to the "AI Magic Reveal" tier. On FANBOX, I was subscribing to the tier below that. Hopefully, this will mean that at least from me, you are receiving the same income from my Patreon subscription that you were receiving from my prior FANBOX subscription.