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Hello employees! It is patch day for Under Contract and version 0.4.6 is ready to blow you away with our new enhancements to the base game formula!

New Powers

Every playable character in Under Contract now has the opportunity to level up and unlock a brand-new power gem! Here is how it works.

Every level you beat with your chosen companion gives them 10 experience points and 3 additional points for beating a level on Hard Difficulty.

To level up to level 2 with the chosen character you need to collect a total of 150 experience. Once you have enough that character on the party tab will be highlighted showing they are ready to level up.

Getting a new power will have you spinning on the roulette of possible combinations. Those current combinations are Yellow, Blue, Red, and Green color removal, Horizontal and Verticle line clear. We do plan to add more later once we get a better feel for the powers in the game. Things like a bomb gem, or something of the like.

Once unlocked, both new gems will begin appearing in the puzzle levels! We are still considering VS mode power gems, and if they even have a place in the game.

Rush Mode for Hard Difficulty

The last big feature added to version 0.4.6 is the new Hard Mode conclusion system called Rush Mode. This will increase the speed of the line drops as you near the end of the level, increasing the pace at which you need to play. We felt that those who enjoy playing on the hardest difficulty did not really see much change to their gameplay as the pace at which experienced players can clear levels is staggering. We hope this makes it a little more enjoyable for those looking to challenge themselves!

There were also a fair number of smaller fixes added in this patch, mostly focused on increasing load times based on the Unity video player which we use for transition animations.

Supporters of the $5 tier or higher can grab their downloads here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/86791598 

We hope you all enjoy the new patch!



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