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Wassup explorers! Welcome to another Sapphire Documents Issue! Today we are talking all about the progress our team has made, along with a long-requested feature!

The angle of the dangle

Yes, you’ve guessed it, the team has created flaccid penis assets for our models. We have been putting off this long-requested feature for a while, as it was never essential. With the open-world rework, we decided “why not” and threw in the tech needed to arouse and unarouse?

The mobs will determine when they grow, normally when they enter sex poses, but we could have a system that shows how toey a monster girl is by the size of their erection. I mean. That just makes sense…

The full erection sizes won’t change as it will make our sex system complicated, however, we have a nice way to randomize the flaccid penis size. The system will spawn a dong size between our largest and smallest possible sizes. They all grow to the same length, but it will offer a nice diverse selection of futaness.

And yes, physics is a thing…

Speaking of physics, the first pass for our new models for physics is up and running, here is a look at our lovely fox, with her floppy ears and bouncy assets.

Dialogue and Holocalls

On the back of an open-world move, we had to develop our own conversation system. There will be about 6-8 human NPCs and some more intelligent monster girls you can converse with in the game so building a system that allows for unique conversations is important. Couple this with our dynamic facial animation system we have quite a nice system in place. We can configure close-ups or wide shots, over-the-shoulder shots, etc depending on the dialogue used and how many participants in the conversation there are.

Two examples here are talking to NPCs in person and taking a Holocall (our version of a phone call).

Sapphire Island gets more tweaks

Surprising no one we continue to build upon the island to get it ready for her launch in v016. Here are some money shots to keep you all excited!

Hope you all enjoyed this brief look at what we’ve been working on! More to come soon!



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