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Hello explorers! Progress continues along smoothly as we grow closer and closer to releasing v016 of Sapphire Safari. Let’s break down what's been made since we last spoke!

Wool, Scale, and Tail.

Three new species of Monster Girl! Yes, you read that correctly. Three new Species will be findable in the next build of Sapphire Safari. We have the cunning Fox, the trusting Lamb, and the seductive Snake. These three will find a home in our Plains Biome which is easily accessible from the very beginning of the game.

They join the cast for the biome consisting of the curious Bunny, the skittish Deer, and the nocturnal Bat.

Sapphire Island details

To go along with the new cast of monsters we have a vastly more detailed island to discover and explore! As I mentioned previously we are focused only on the Plains Biome for the next couple of patches, so while the surrounding areas will get some detailing (so your photos don’t look like doodoo) they will not be accessible.

Day and Night

Within the game currently is a working day/night cycle that will affect the behavior of the wildlife, events, and other assorted time-sensitive things.

Exploring with a Map

Navigating around Sapphire Island is going to be an exciting adventure, we will be breaking the world down the world into small sections that need to be uncovered by finding radio beacons to extend the map and wireless submission capacity you’ll need in the field.

Once a map is uncovered the GPS tool can be used to help with navigating to the points yet to be uncovered or for finding a path to a specific point. These can be done in batches of three markings and auto-remove when you arrive at the destination.

AI Optimizations

Here we can’t show much right now as it's a major focus for reducing the calling and references the game makes for AI state. This should drastically improve how quickly monster girls react to things and how smoothly the game processes information. In the near future we will do a deep-dive on how things will be behaving in the next patch so please be patient for more information there.

Okay, that is it for now. We hope you enjoyed this issue of our dev blog. Stay tuned for more! Remember, v016 is scheduled for early August and so far we look to be on time for the release.



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