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Hello explorers! Welcome to patch day, version 009 is ready to go and it is our first step into organizing our main gameplay loop. Let’s begin!

Submit your Photos!

The Monpedia and the Research Level are the first implementations of our progression and gameplay mechanics for Sapphire Safari. The use is simple, take photos during your expedition and once you’re ready to return you’ll be prompted to submit pictures for the creature catalog known as the Monpedia. Your top 10 photos will also be scored and added to the Research Level.

Monpedia now tracks photos, we currently have a very basic selection of pictures to gather for each species. Try to get them all! Each photo will fill up the familiarity score of a species as well, currently, this does nothing but it will in the future!

You can replace old pictures with better ones if you happen to get a nicer shot.

The top 10 pictures taken will be scored for the Research Level, currently scoring is not functional, be sure to read our Sapphire Documents Issue 005 for more information on how that works. Research Level is how players will unlock new islands and new “critical” tech for exploration purposes.

These two loops are here to reinforce a lot of gameplay elements, however, they all have other components needed to really make them shine! Part of this is the monster girl AI, the quest system, scoring systems, etc.

Moana Tropic Wading Pools

Our team has been busy expanding the Island with a new Tide Pools area. The first pass of this region should add a lot of interesting backdrops for your photography!

Intimacy UI/UX upgrade

The constant changes to this mode should not surprise anyone, the new elements however drastically bring us closer to the initial pitch and vision. Loading into the doll system for the first time will now randomly auto-populate the field, along with randomizing the pose of all participants. They will automatically begin humping each other if you have all the required actors.

On top of the auto-population, you can edit the actors to a bigger degree. Hitting Tab now expands the menu (automatically hidden by default) and each followed NPC along with the player will have options made available. Including choosing and removing them from scenes. Human participants in a future patch will also from this menu have clothing options, so you can remove everything but the boots if you wanted.

Eventually, we will expand the positions offered and build the gangbang mode to work with random monsters walking by. Exciting stuff!

NOTE: There currently is an issue with Male X Futa and Futa X Futa position swapping which can cause camera bugs and model breaks. Please be aware of this as you explore the new tools.

Supporters of the $5 tier or higher can grab their downloads here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/75374684 

Changelog v009

  • Added Gallery filter system.
  • Added Expedition statistic systems for tracking steps, photos, etc.
  • Added Retirement system for post-expedition scoring.
  • Overhauled Monpedia system for photo submission and tracking.
  • Added Familiarity foundation system.
  • Added Research point foundation system.
  • Added Moana Tropic Wading Pools map area.
  • Added Landscape texture painting system.
  • Overhauled Moana Tropic textures.
  • Overhauled Moana Tropic assets.
  • Fixed deep river issues.
  • Fixed Moana Tropic boundaries.
  • Overhauled Monster Spawn system.
  • Overhauled Moana Tropic spawners.
  • Overhauled Doll System UI.
  • Overhauled Doll System UX.
  • Added Doll System auto-population.


Hopefully, you can all now see the direction we are moving into! In the next patch, we hope to get back to more consumable content, themed for a particular holiday coming up. Ho ho ho!



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