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Kinky is currently under crunch! Let me explain...

Pieces of my Heart
We are crunching so so soooo hard on this right now. Our goal is to release the update on Monday next week, and this week we have managed to complete 98% of the content required for the conversation update to be completed. Right now we are missing just 1 new reward image for the new content. Get excited for this update people, it changes a whole lot about the vibe of the game!

Sapphire Safari
Our design lead has spun gold this week, and created the first version of Sapphire Safari that has all unique content and blueprints rather than using plugins and such from the original two versions we released. It is quite rough around the edges as the scoring, photography and track system need their final touches. But you have waited too long as is! After the dust settles from the PomH update we will look to release the next massive patch for Sapphire.

Bro, let me tell you. Elewder has never looked sexier than how she does now. We dropped clothing in favor of sexy face masks, and head attachments, reworked the environments and the assets in the levels. Focused on internal lighting and baby, shit is so cash. I cannot wait to show you more of it!

Cosmic Harem
Ice ice baby! We are in the nailing stage for how the game will grow apart from her inspirations, how the harem in the game will be managed, and how you can get closer to your girl pals! Every girl you bring along will add unique gems to the board, enemies will send unique gems to your board and you can drop gems on theirs, the system is really fun and it fits super well with what our main plot will be. Cannot wait to share more!

Ready for another week!

Stay moist homies!



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