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April hello! What a great start to the month! I hope your Easters were all restful.

Pieces of my Heart
Still in the process of finalizing all the new vocals, we just have two more girls to get recorded and we should be good. The new art is a little behind but they will come very soon. In other news, we have taken the time to build us a demo of the game, which should be a lot of fun to spread around the interwebs once it's ready! Stay tuned for that.

Sapphire Safari
Trailer reshooting has been completed, and now we are moving on making the first vertical slice of the new version of the game. We pushed away a little from the “traditional” snap gameplay and are making a middle ground of a Metroidvania on rails. Should be a very interesting experience!

The new supporter build vPT0.0.3 is out right now! Go grab it and check out all the new features! We have worked hard on this to nail down the new aesthetics and vibe to the game, we hope you enjoy it!

In other news we are moving on making custom assets for the environment to better suit our needs, so no longer will the environment look so… barren? Yeah, let's go with that. Expect that update within the next patch along with a bunch of other gameplayer updates!

Cosmic Harem
Testing testing testing. We are putting a few cinematic tests for how the story and plot will be delivered. Originally we wanted to go with a Visual Novel presentation but that seemed a little… basic. So now we are doing a lot of tests to see what works, then putting together a final asset list to work for our art team on. Speaking of the art team, we hired another sketch artist to help bring the entire game together faster. Woo!

Ready for another week!

Stay moist homies!



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