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March has officially ended, and April has begun, no jokes here, just spittin’ straight facts!

Pieces of my Heart
While we wait for the rest of the recordings to come in, Erkerut has continued his excellent work building the new art pieces for the dialogue overhaul, and we hired a new animator to come in and help finish off the rest of the unreleased dates for the game. Just gotta be patient while we wait.

Sapphire Safari
Our models continue to get better! The more detailed work is now taking place with each model receiving a bit of TLC, tummies extend with cum when they are filled, cocks empty and deflate when used, testicles shrink when empty, throats bulge to make room for dong, and much much more! The systems are also coming together for the IK and we are hoping to have something to share again around the middle of April. Fingers crossed!

The final preparations are going into the overhauled trailer and the steam profile for the official announcement of Elewder. We also have a new build ready for you to play, we might be a few more tweaks before we release it. Expect it in the first week of April.

Cosmic Harem
Not much development has happened with Cosmic this week, however, our writer is now fully focused upon the first act and introduction of the game's script! This game is really shaping up to be a fantastic gem of a game! Can’t wait to share it with you all!

Ready for another week!

Stay moist homies!




Another great month full of lewdy goodness thank you so much guys and looking forward to you lewding up the April as well