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The sand in our hourglass drips ever onward. The time we have for this week has come to an end, but there is always next week to look forward to! For now, enjoy our weekly post mortem!

Pieces of my Heart
With the Julieta date released our focus turned to bug fixing, performance enhancements, and new features. Backgrounds will be changeable in the next build and much like fluids and skin tone be unlocked as you play through the game. We are also experimenting with adding more vocals in the idle date scene and puzzle gameplay. As always joining our Discord channel will let you see all the goings-on. We currently have a PTE channel, so all owners on Steam can play the testing builds as content roles out.

Sapphire Safari
Nothing was done on Sapphire this week due to our main designer being needed on other projects. However, we are going to be extending our developer team on the project very soon. More chefs!

The new task of Elewder’s dev crew is to bring to life the new models, tests are being made to see what work needs to be done and what existing work can be carried over to the new rigs. In other news, we have been beefing up the level randomization again in the game. The new tool allows for a great number of flexible level designs, including tileset mixing, room randomization, enemy layout, and more. The next build should be very exciting!

Wet Nightmares
With WN coming into the Kinky Fridays family, our first step is to build up the Steam store page, and that is exactly what was done this week. We are now awaiting approval on the store page, expecting a result sometime next week.

Ready for another week!

Be sure to join our growing community on Twitter and Discord!

Stay moist homies!



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