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Starting out strong! Sapphire Safari Prototype vPTB001 is ready to consume!

Watch our release trailer here: https://twitter.com/kinkyfridays/status/1349355033456992260

I need to however make everyone aware, this is a prototype. A prototype is designed to be a test of mechanics, a test of presentation, and designed to push our asset pipeline to find issues and complications. Please understand that we are overjoyed to share this with you, but expect no polish, crashes/bugs, lacking animations, and other assorted visual issues.

Here is what is in the first prototype.

Detailed photography scoring system - you’ll be able to take 60 photos in our short example track and choose 5 to be judged. The system takes into account a number of factors for scoring, the state of the target, the number of targets, how visible the target is, etc.

Basic cataloging and key-photo system - while not fully obvious right now, the game tasks you with finding and taking key photos of 3 of the 4 available targets in the track. These photos-once taken-fill in the catalog with that photo. You can find details about this in the gallery section on the main menu.

Simple environment interaction - using leys 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 on the keyboard you’ll be able to interact with the environment, change the monsters into new states, uncover hidden animations from bushes, and arouse the local wildlife.

Four models and a player character - there are four unique creatures to find and photograph in our first build. An electrifying bunny, a psychic kitty, slippery froggy, and an icy futawolf.

Controls are still a WIP but for this release please use the following.

W+S - Zoom the lens in and out.
Right Click/Mouse 2 - Take a photo.
1 - Rock
2 - Bait
3 - Temp tool
4 - Temp tool
5 - Pheromones grenade
ESC - Ends current track run

Now go! Take photos of these creatures! Share your images on our Discord and let us know your feedback!

Members of the $5 tier or higher have access to the download, become a member today, and get more access to all our latest games and builds! Download here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/46159138 

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