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Waddup homies, in an effort to make our Patreon more bumpin’ we will be doing weekly Friday posts detailing our progress on our games. These will be public and free for everyone to read, and if we have any high-quality promotional assets to show up they will show up in their respective support categories!

Pieces of my Heart
The release was fantastic and the support and love pouring out of the community for the game have been amazing! At the time of writing, we have 151 reviews and are at Very Positive on Steam, a great result! If you own the game on Steam and you’ve yet to do so, please consider leaving a review for us there!

The next date release is currently being worked on, January for the PomH team is going to be a slow one as we shake off the end of the year and get back to working hard! All I can say about Julieta is that she is our first dip into the world of sexual cosplay, the designs we have for her are just fantastic! Can’t wait to share!

Along with more content, we released the Pieces of my Heart soundtrack called “Lowfi beats to puzzle/bang to” composed by the very talented Lewd K. You can grab it here on Patreon in the $5 tier or on Steam for $1.99.

Sapphire Safari
Work continues, this week we were focused on building official screenshots and making shots for our upcoming teaser video, we are into our third pass for the trailer, and doing our best to make sure the vibe is perfect.

Expect a fantastic post sometime in the next couple of days about the prototype!

The prototype is basically ready for public consumption, we might just release it here, but I also want to spend the time to build out a nice teaser trailer for the game. The system is really solid, and the game will be a little difficult in the prototype. Should be fun. Please expect that sometime next week.

The prototype is only focused on combat for now, but please look forward to it all the same.

There was a lot of other work being done as well, but preparing the images and trailers takes a long time to get right! Look forward to more content next week!

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