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2020 what a year, without mentioning the elephant in the room it was a great growth period for Kinky Fridays. A lot changed about our original philosophy and our development focus since we started doing business in January.

The original goal was to create small games around the 3 dollar mark and push out 4 games by the year’s end. What we pivoted into was creating more premium products, pushing to that 10 dollar mark, and create an abundance of value for the products instead. With that new direction, we released Pieces of my Heart on Steam in Early Access in July and have been consistently updating it.

So let’s talk future plans, about the content we want to build, about the games we currently have. 2021 is the year Kinky Fridays evolves!

1. Pieces of my Heart

Our debut product, PomH has recently graduated from the Early Access program to be a full release on December 21st, 2020. Currently, we have 11 dates in the game along with all our planned mechanics and features!

Post-release content plans are as follows:

  • 6 dates from our main artist, which includes 36 selfies, 12 puzzles, full voice acting, and 6 CG sex scenes.
  • 4 small dates from a guest artist featuring the main 4 voice actor personas Pixie Willow, MissMoonified, MidnightDatra, and Oolay Tiger.
  • A handful of extra small dates from various adult games.

2. Sapphire Safari

An exciting new production from Kinky Fridays for all you Furry and Monster Girl lovers out there! Sapphire Safari is an on-rails photography game where you the player explore an unexplored island overflowing with remarkably human-animal hybrid life. Your job is to document these creatures as they live, eat, sleep, and play in their natural habitats.

Currently, this game is in prototype development and our goal is to get the first playable prototype into the hands of our subscribers as soon as possible. Your feedback means the world to us and we want you to build the game alongside us!

3. Elewder

Some of your old school supporters might already know this game, originally we called this game Trials of the Succubus, and since that point, we have had a long re-think about our goal with this game. Allow me to introduce Elewder, a top-down, twin-stick shooter, roguelike. You take on the mantle of a captured enemy to a rampaging Succubus army. With the help of your familiar, you break out of your confines and do your best to take revenge for a lifetime of captivity.

Much like Sapphire Safari, we aim to have a prototype ready for testing and playing asap. However, development is much slower on this product than the other two we have. We hope to have it in your hands soon, excited to see what you all think of this one!


There are a lot more plans for new games in 2021, however, unlike Elewder and Sapphire Safari those ideas are not fully realized at this time. Patreons will be the first to know when we have new games to announce!

Here is a new years treat for surviving 2020!

Be sure to join our growing community on Twitter and Discord!





great Job in 2020 guys and really looking forward to 2021