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Hello hello! 

We are working hard to get all the mechanics and such polished in Pieces of my Heart! To that point we will be releasing more Subscriber builds right up until our release of May 29th, unless something is delayed which is quite possible during these trying times...

So I present to you Subscriber Build 2.1 of Pieces of my Heart!

Changelog: Subscriber Build 02.1

New Mechanics
- Animated Puzzle Pieces: The puzzle scenes now have animated puzzle pieces making it easier (or harder maybe) to find connected pieces. We will be adding more background effects to the scenes to make this effect even better.
- New Sex Reward Rig: This new rig includes both the foreplay/petting rig and the sex rig together. Meaning that going from sex to fingering and back to sex is now superfluid and smart. Cum now carries over to foreplay actions.

Temp Changes
- Lust Bar Speeds: As a simple means of testing and fixing, the lust bar now fills super quickly, please enjoy painting Olivia with semen to your heart's content.
- Finish Puzzle Button: As a way to allow players easier access to reward content a temp button has been added on puzzle scenes to skip the game content and get to the reward scenes.

- Animated Backgrounds: We have started the rollout of animations to the UI, for now we are limited to the main menu but the rest will follow soon.
- Achievements Menu: New achievements menu, empty for now.
- Credits Menu Move: New credits menu, empty for now.
- Fanfare: Complete a puzzle and be greeted to the new Fanfare layout.

Excited to see what everyone thinks!




You have no idea how much the animated puzzle pieces actually help me❤ I suck at puzzles okay 😂 overall loving the improvements so far!!