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As she approached the door to her new office, Vilana Riel activated the scanning amulet pass. After making sure that the protection was intact, she opened the door and carefully stepped inside. William followed her silently. She looked around to make sure that the beacons hidden in various corners of the room were undisturbed, that there were no signs of intrusion, and nodded to her protégé:


William exhaled a sigh of relief as he removed his hand from the battle amulet and closed the front door. At the same time, activating the office's protection. As soon as it was working, cutting off the room from the outside world, Vilana let herself groan and then went to the part of the office that was separated by a high screen. In fact, it divided the not-so-small room into two parts. In one part, there was a desk, cabinets, a couple of safes, communication equipment, and other office supplies of the agentess. The other part was turned into a sleeping and living space. There was a small double bed, a closet and a chest with clothes, a small dining table, and a couple of chairs. In the corner, behind another screen, there was a rather large basin of blued copper, a couple of large jugs enchanted to keep water hot, and a stool with hygiene supplies. Walking behind the first screen, Vilana collapsed onto the bed with her back and closed her eyes without undressing. What a way to go. She. Fucked up.

The trip to backwater Arenam had been surprisingly pleasant. The city itself had been surprisingly pleasant. She hadn't expected from a remote province on the border of the Wildlands. The whole embassy had traveled back to the capital in high spirits. Darius was as happy as a cat that had eaten too much sour cream. The happiness lasted exactly three days when they almost reached Tavimark. Vilana and Darius' communication amulets simultaneously received an alarm of the highest possible level. Her first thought was that war with Alishan had begun. Judging by the level of the signal, the Empire had missed the first strike. But when they reached the city, it turned out to be far more dire than she had realized. When they got through with Darius to the local authorities, who were in a state of panic, they found out the connection with the Capital was lost. And soon, it turned out that it wasn't the connection that was lost but the Capital itself.

The only way to use the city portal to get as close to the Eternal as possible was through threats, Darius' status as the Emperor's representative, and the loss of about half of the gold he'd gotten in Arenam. For there were more people than the portal, which was already working hard, could handle. In the end, it took them twenty-four hours to reach the outskirts of the capital. It was only then that they realized the extent of the problems. In place of one of the largest cities on the continent was a space surrounded by army units, private armies, groups and groups of adventurers, mercenaries, guilds, temples, and other armed formations. There were dozens of Heralds floating in the sky, and it seemed, Vilana wasn't sure, even a few full Avatars. And there were also tens of thousands here threatening to grow into hundreds of relatively ordinary people. The sea of humans and non-humans was highly agitated, threatening to erupt into mass carnage at any moment.

Fortunately, this was avoided. Somehow, Vilana's squad managed to get through to one of the army commanders, who took over some of the leadership. From him, they learned terrible details. The city was gone, along with everyone in the capital. It's unclear where he is. How to get to him, too. Who's in charge is unclear. So far, the highest ranking and highest level military and the few members of the ruling dynasty who were outside the city have taken command. Vilana, along with William, was enlisted into the retinue of one such commander. It was not clear who was in command of the Eyes, for most of the chiefs of the special service had disappeared with the capital.

Several days passed for Vilana in a state of extremely hectic, intense, but almost meaningless activity. Together with her protégé and a few other junior agents assigned to reinforce her, she was desperately trying to find out something. The problem was that it was decidedly unclear what to look for! No one knew or understood anything. The original version of sabotage by Alishan began to fall away after the three celestials together couldn't even figure out where the missing city was. Then, came the news that the priests of Grimmentray had almost managed to make their way to the place where the city was. And that the place was literally reeking with a concentrated Hell fleur. After that, there was almost a spontaneous riot in the place of pandemonium around the capital. Before that, many people still had a vague hope that the Alishans were about to get in touch and offer to "buy" the city back, and someone even estimated how much it would cost. Then, after that, it disappeared. There'll be no one to buy the devils back. Or rather, they would be happy to sell a lot of things, but only a complete idiot would buy them. Or a Drow.

After that, Vilana had forgotten all about sleep. Her temporary immediate superior, who had aged twenty years at once, seemed to have stopped sleeping, taking one alchemical stimulant after another without regard for the health consequences. In a matter of weeks, the agentess had interviewed over a hundred people and non-persons. Knowing what to look for, she acted much more confidently. Even managed to pick up a few promising leads. Someone knew something but didn't give it much thought. Some of the "coincidences" she'd seen appeared in a different light after realizing that the Devils were involved. She even earned level twenty-eight. William had gotten two at once, but there was no joy. Much of it was because their home and most of their relatives and acquaintances were still in the missing city.

And then, this happened. The Celestials had managed to make their way into the stolen city. Vilana was caught in the middle of her breakfast. And then she realized something. Once, at the beginning of her career, she had come across a rather unusual but very informative and interesting book from the special fund of the Eyes, which contained the sayings of various Summoned from different worlds. One of them she had memorized: "The end of the world is not a problem. The problems begin the next morning." At the time, she hadn't understood the meaning of that phrase. Now, she was ready to sign every word of it.

The first twenty-four hours after the Eternal's return had been a blur of FUCKWHATTHESHITHAPPENED?! But when most of the creatures had been mopped up by the Celestials. When most of the cultists and those who couldn't be saved had been killed. When the territorial centers of the greatest planar or flurry defeat were extinguished or at least localized. When the coveted "Victory!" was sounded. That's when the problems began. And Vilana felt on her skin how right the Summoned one, whose name she did not remember, was. He must have experienced something similar in his world. The Emperor and most of the dynasty had perished. The casualties in the capital on the fateful day were monstrous in quantity and quality. Many of those who survived had to be treated and reprieved from the effects of the fleur contamination for a long time. Virtually the entire treasury of the Empire had disappeared, having been paid for the summoning of some incomprehensible mega-powerful entity. Vilana's immediate superior was dead. His deputy, the one who had actually killed the chief, was dead as well. The boss's boss was still alive but had changed his sex, appearance, and life priorities. After that, he fucked himself, all his entourage, and some of his deputies to the state of vegetables. Apparently, irrevocably. Almost all of Vilana's rank-and-file colleagues were either killed, converted, or wounded. What's more, the Head of the Eyes, the permanent Sigmund, the old son of a bitch Sigmund, the all-fucking old man Sigmund, was killed, unknown how and when. In his place, one of the devil creatures that almost fucked up the entire defense of the palace from the inside stood at the head of the Empire's most powerful secret service. How long she held that position remained to be seen.

When Vilana reached her home office, she, along with William and the rest of the agents, was first twisted by the Emperor's guards with some artifact. After that, they and a few dozen others who had come to the palace were literally pelted with a wave of clear water that washed away everything possible. And then they were illuminated by a heavenly light that dispelled any kind of darkness. At that moment, Vilana was really scared. But nothing happened. One of the priests of Grimmentray, who was near the guardsmen and literally shining with heavenly light from the power infused into him, made sure there was no trace of the devils' influence and gave the okay. Only then they were allowed inside. When Vilana, wet from head to toe, reached the newly appointed acting Eye of the Emperor, or rather, now Empress, he almost burst into tears of happiness when he saw alive and experienced agentess in front of him. For a brief moment, Vilana even thought that her new boss, who was not quite in an adequate state, would hug her.

Instead, he announced the happy news of her promotion, making Vilana the new head of the Eyes branch she'd served in before. Then he put half of the agents she'd brought with her under her direct command and ordered her to work. Or rather: WORK, BITCHt!!! And the agent, who had been promoted to a higher position, which she had been able to get only in ten years and at least another ten levels, started to work. And she had to do it in person, not sitting in her office like her late predecessor, whose corpse, by the way, was taken out of the room in front of her eyes. Since the Empress had very few Eyes left, there was a lot of work to do. To be more precise, there was to the dick of work, which Vilana didn't have, but which she almost got, just the day after her promotion when she visited one of the filtration camps, where all the relatively ordinary citizens of the capital were collected under the supervision of the Celestials, the Guard and the army. Vilana, along with William, whom she had appointed as her first deputy, and a couple of other agents, had barely entered the camp, which had been set up on the site of a neighborhood that had been razed to the ground when suddenly a flood of pure, invigorating, cold water hit them all. It was as if someone had poured a bucket from a well on top of them. Vilana and her companions were only cheered up and soaked. Most of the people around them did, too. But one of the townsfolk was scalded by the water as it was alchemical acid.

T.N. It's a completely untranslatable play of words. There's an idiom that means a lot. And if you translate it literally, it means to the dick/member/penis.

In the next instant, the unremarkable man in ragged clothes, standing a few dozen meters away from Vilana, turned into a naked, tall, and slender young man, with well-developed muscles and unruly black hair that fell halfway down his face. Agentess Eyes' instincts, as if alerted, screamed of a deadly threat.

Guy Without Eyes

No one had time to do anything. The lurking devil struck instantly. His attack was the kind that literally changed the surrounding reality, ignoring the vast majority of defenses. The creature barely moved, and in the next instant, all the women around him rolled their eyes, their tongues fell out of their mouths, and the most sensitive point between their legs lengthened and enlarged dramatically. With loud moans, they collapsed to the ground, experiencing a continuous brain-burning orgasm. The men closest to him had changed their faces, their beards and mustaches disappeared, their bodies became feminine, their tits grew, and something else, on the contrary, practically disappeared. All of this happened in less than a heartbeat. The creature's attack, which paid for its inevitability with a tightly limited radius, hit her on the edge, and the brand-new protective amulets she had been given had kept the blow from causing irreparable damage. It was only between her legs that the agent was jabbed like a red-hot needle, which almost made her cum on the spot. And then, the creature was smeared on the ground by a blow from above. Literally. The man who had fallen from the sky, literally glowing blue, smashed his fist into the devil's head, driving it into its shoulders and below, crushing the body into a flapjack while burning out its essence with the power of Heaven.

A moment later, Jerem Steyr stood over the creature, scattered with small and vaporized spatters, angry and tired as a dog. In his fist, he clutched a handful of golden honey pearls. Raising them to the sky, he whispered a short prayer and was illuminated with light. After that, some of them lost their golden color and flew into the sky. Some of them flashed and went out forever, turning into nothing. The trial was over. The verdict was rendered and carried out. Afterward, the High Priest of Grimmentrey looked around at the men lying on the ground and whispered another prayer. In the same instant, a natural wave of clear and transparent water flowed from him in all directions, showering everyone around him, partially washing away the effects of the destroyed creature's attack. At least most of the people regained their nearly lost minds. The physical changes, on the other hand, were more complicated. Fortunately, Vilana had none. The second time she was splashed with water, the agent lost the itch between her legs and the urge to fuck the nearest man. After Jerem had literally flown off to do his own thing, many temple guards and guardsmen rushed to the scene. Everyone was once again examined and checked. Some were even almost completely healed, and one wet agentess busied herself with finding the people she needed. Day after day after day. The big picture had to be put together. To understand how what had happened was possible. Now that the veil for psychics was gone, it was much easier to do that, but no one canceled the good old search-and-research activities.

In three weeks of searching, investigating, interrogating, two confrontations with marauders caught in the act, and three attempts at rape by the fleur-affected humans and one halfling girl (a very pretty one, by the way), Vilana had reached level thirty. William, on the other hand, had reached level twenty-one. They slept four hours a day at best, and Vilana personally was ready to howl. There was no free time in the next couple of years, and everyone from the regular guards to the new Empress, whom the agent had never even seen, though she knew her through the dossier and had seen her several times before the Fall. If it hadn't been for William, who had stood by her through all her troubles, she might not have been able to take the shit. Some of her new subordinates didn't, by the way. Two of them had committed suicide, and another one had gotten somewhere a monstrously addictive smoking crap and burned his mind with a killer dose of dope. And there were plenty of cases like that.

The same Darius, whom Vilana accompanied to Arenam (how long ago it was), lost his patron, an ill-wisher with his wife, and a large part of his relatives and made a willful decision to go on a binge. From which he had to be kicked and beaten by Vilana. The reason was simple. There was a catastrophic shortage of people, the losses were monstrous, and it was impossible to let a relatively competent specialist fall asleep. To his credit, he managed to pull himself together. In any case, he got drunk much less often, and people didn't pay attention to it anymore. After the Fall, there were plenty of those who numbed the grief of loss in alcohol among all strata of the capital's population.

Vilana was not one of them. She hadn't been a drinker before, which was understandable given her job. And even if she had been, she just didn't have time for it. In the past weeks, Vilana hadn't even been able to visit the site of her home. Or rather, what was left of it. For the simple reason, the entire street where it stood had been destroyed by some kind of powerful strategic battle magic strike that had not only destroyed everything there but also infected the land with a territorial curse that couldn't be broken. Now, everything there is fenced and cordoned off, and specialists are figuring out how to clean up the area. In fact, that was the reason she'd moved right into her new office with William. Because there was nowhere else to go. And no one else to go to. Since she couldn't find any of her relatives that were in Eternal. Apparently, of the entire family, only she, William, and the few relatives who lived outside the capital were still alive. She didn't give a shit about any talk of her sleeping with her third cousin.

While she was thinking it over, lying on the bed with her eyes closed, her assistant, protégé and closest living relative, tired as much as his boss, carefully pulled off her boots and then her pants. Then he carefully unbuttoned her uniform jacket and shirt. Carefully, trying not to disturb the tired Vilana, he took them off, leaving her in her underwear. After hanging up the street clothes, William went behind the second screen to the wide, blued copper basin and the enchanted jugs. After making sure there was enough water, he undressed himself and approached Vilana, who was almost asleep.

"Get up, you have to wash up."

"Ummmmm...let's do it in the morning...don't want to....."

"Well, no, I'm not going to share a bed with such a dirty girl. Come on, be a good girl, Vilja. You can just stand there without moving. I'll do it all myself."

By some miracle, ready to send the insolent boy away, the agent found the strength to get to her feet. Pulling off her sweat-soaked shirt and tossing it into the pile of dirty linen, she made her way to the basin and stood in the center of it, unashamed of her nakedness. William stood behind her, also naked, as the basin was wide enough for two people. He took a jug of warm water and began to pour it over his boss, which made her moan contentedly. Then he began to soap her slender, trained body, starting with her neck and shoulders and gradually going lower. Vilana only moaned contentedly, covering her eyes and enjoying herself. The heavy-breathing relative paid especially close attention to her breasts and crotch. At some point, he was just frankly caressing his relative and boss, pressing closely against her from the back and pressing his face into her neck. He was rubbing his cock against her back just above her tailbone but not inserting it. With one hand he was playing with Vilana's hardened nipples, and with the other, he was actively rubbing between her legs, now and then penetrating her womb with two fingers. At the same time, he was whispering to his already moaning relative. When William felt his superior was at her limit, he sped up his fingers and squeezed her right breast with force, twisting the nipple. Vilana moaned and cum.

They stood still for a moment, hugging each other tightly and catching their breath. Then William turned his relative around and kissed her firmly on the lips, penetrating her mouth with his tongue. She eagerly responded to the kiss, at the same time feeling his palms kneading her buttocks. He broke the kiss, breathing heavily, and said briefly:

"Now you, Vilja."

With a nod, Vilana turned her protégé around and began pouring water from the jug on him. Then, she began to soap William as diligently as he did. She paid particular attention to his fighter, gripping him tightly with her soapy hand and rubbing him diligently. Unfortunately, William managed to get dirty somewhere because, despite her best efforts, it was impossible to wash his fighter completely. Vilana had to turn the flushed assistant around and kneel in front of him, sighing tiredly. After rinsing his cock with water, she carefully took it into her mouth and began to lick it, moving her tongue from root to head. To help her, William put his hands on her head, guiding her movements. This made things go noticeably better and faster. She had almost finished his fighter when William moved his hips, simultaneously pulling her head back against him by her head. A moment later, Vilana felt a jet of seed hit her throat. Mentally kicking herself, the agent waited until her aide had drained it all before pulling away. After swallowing the rest of the seed, she wiped her lips and started cleaning William's cock again. Fortunately, it was less work this time, and soon she was satisfied, only finishing by biting the head of his cock with her lips and tickling it with the tip of her tongue out of some hooligan pleasure. Standing up, she was about to get out of the pelvis and start wiping herself, but William suddenly held her back, hugging her tightly and pulling her against him. Surprised by this display of affection, Vilana nevertheless responded willingly to his caress. They stood like that for several minutes, enjoying the warmth of each other's bodies. Unfortunately, there was no way to stand like that for long. They had already lost more than half an hour of their four hours of sleep.

When she got out of the basin, she began to dry herself. She had a short haircut, and it didn't take long to dry her hair. She put on a clean shirt and went to bed. William joined her a moment later, pulling her into his arms and wrapping his legs around her. Making herself comfortable in his arms, Vilana buried her palm in his hair. She was so lucky to have such a wonderful boy in this difficult time.

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Puts the quill aside.

9 words pages. A small omake in which I decided to continue the story of an Agentess of the Eyes who visited Arenam and became intimately acquainted with a certain Pale Lady.

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Avada Kadavra: Oh, Brinar knows how to bait Avada on a comment. The omak is great, especially in showing the horror that will ensue once the capital is resolved. There are minor incoherencies, but basically, the omak I would gladly prefer to canonize with a few omissions.

1. The fact that it was the devils who had taken the capital was known pretty quickly - the barrier created by Sovereign was more than a bright sign. Simply because of the fact that the city was in superposition, simultaneously in Hell and not, even the gods could not get it, although only Sovereign counteracted them (for that were all the costs of preparation, so that they did not pull out). If they had dragged him straight into Hell (straight, leaving a trace gap through which it would be ten times easier to get through and pull him back out than to counteract his descent), they would have quickly shown who was Mythic and who was an Incarnation.

Another thing is that not everyone was informed, just to avoid panic. The heroine of omak would have found out immediately, she would have been told, but the general public would have tried to hide this information as long as possible. Precisely because of the reasons omak described. The hysteria could escalate into a massacre even without provocateurs from unfriendly neighbors.

And they could catch the cultists or rather the tails they left behind. They would have uncovered the background, found informants, and surviving "bought" allies. Before they started, they processed all of them and utilized those who could not be processed, doing it with a clear understanding that tomorrow they would not have to answer, so secrecy was going to hell, if only until tomorrow they would not notice the absence of so many suddenly disappeared and/or moved.

For the last week, the cult has been consolidating forces and pulling them to the capital. I just couldn't find a way to put it in the text unless it was in "Watch Your Back," but then it seemed big to me (it was the biggest interlude until now). The gist here is that suspicious movements have been noticed by the regional forces of the Eyes and Trade Guilds (a slight hint of the latter can be considered the very former chief of Shyngys, as the owner of his little book, because he got his suspicions from trade reports). The temples and adventurers missed everything and everyone, including the regions.

But since Sigmund was no longer sitting in the head's chair, all these reports and suspicions were gently averted, and there was no one influential and risky enough to run to the Emperor over Rooleim's head.

But when it boomed, the traces of preparation were found and systematized by the end of the first twenty-four hours. But this, in general, is a trifle against the background of the atmosphere of feverish work and inability to do anything useful, for which I fell in love with this omak.

2. Yes, yes, yes, yes, there were odds that the bookmarks in the brain of the agentess and her relative would not have been noticed, though roughly in Kostik range of odds. If the priests were looking specifically for the devil's influence and customized the "flush" to it. If the non-priestly specialists were looking for malicious markers aimed at passing information to someone or intercepting control. If Jerem was in a hurry and also "flushed" clearly the last seconds and only the work of the devils. If the heroine's checks very recklessly narrowed to deepen in the right direction.

Then yes. There was a chance. Bookmarking is not dangerous, does not threaten work and secrecy, is not connected to devils, etc.

The odds are microscopic, but I'll take it as a double-crit, and the vampire got lucky. So, even if they found it, I wrote in the last omak, there was a high probability to write it off as a randomly picked-up devil, or even to the internal games of the departments, and not to go deeper. But if it goes deeper, if they return the memories with legendary artifacts or specialists (or even the same Jerem, although our heroine is not a bird of flight to call the Judge for her sake), then an inspection will come to Arenam again.

Let's assume that your omak has saved MC from the likelihood of an unnecessary problem in the near future. Later this shit is bound to get blown up. Very noticeable bookmarks, especially the cognitive distortion with the need to clean the dick with a blow job because soap and hands didn't work, and the leading of thoughts to this idea. Such markers are visible to those who know where to look, familiar, and perfectly identifiable.

I'll add a plus on the sanity rolls (don't forget) for the vampire to tell MC about the delegation's visit and what happened to the delegation. So, if it wasn't for the incident (very incidental incident, yes) with the devils, they might not have noticed for years - there would have been no need for such serious checks... but still, the cognitive distortion would have been noticed. Bloodsucker was skidded on a turn, very skidded - I already wrote under the last omak that this "skidded" is more than explainable for the creature that felt the power and authority, which, unlike the late patriarch, did not have time to properly learn the rule of "bigger fish".
T.N. There are always bigger fish.

Yes, the hero will make a facepalm, but compared to the stuff with shaved Conans tied with bows, this mistake will not really bother him, even if it came out much more dangerous. Through Dream, he'll erase all the marks, correct them, and make the bookmarks look natural. Remove and grind away even traces of their existence? Seriously? Spoil such a joke?

There, of course, she might keep silent or not find the moment to tell, or Kostik might not find it necessary to listen to her reports, but it's unlikely. The situation is important, especially against the background of the fall of the Eternal. The bloodsucker herself now realizes that she has overdone it. She also realizes that now they will check it much harder.

Again, it's precisely because this mistake is the result of a joke/joke on the part of the bloodsucker that he won't punish her much. I mean, it's more of a display of power, a sense of superiority, reveling in power, plus the influence of Hestia's corruption, but the similarities are there, they are there.

Laughable, but with Tin's character, he can improve his opinion of her, it's no joke. The sound of Tia's facepalm is your own guess.

3. The eyeless thing nailed by Jerem either carried a very complicated billet or was a (near-)Legend - such a large-scale distortion of reality/control of flesh looks cool-cool. In principle, it is quite suitable. He was tired, spent sonm, lost reserves, strength can not recover, no help, no chance to escape and to die without spending the billet.... even against one of the Eternals or other high-ranking endowed ones, it would be sad. So he spent a full-blown mix of higher life/flesh control and reality warping on random passersby.


4. A minor detail, but it was the "dossier" of Walzea or any other Eternal, albeit the most useless (the sounds of Avada being beaten with fists and a paver being dropped on him) that an Eye agent of her rank wouldn't even be allowed to sniff, let alone read. She might have known about her from rumors, conversations, and other behind-the-scenes nonsense she'd overheard in the company of her temporary superior. To her, any Eternal was like a celestial, and for trying to get a dossier on Walzea... Villana wouldn't even think about it.

Omak is awesome, and you, Brinar, are too.

I can't repay since I haven't even touched the dice, alternating more between new and frozen projects. In total, I wrote not so little, but these pages are scattered over different works, so I can't estimate their exact number.

The situation is difficult but already morally easier, and I am tired of worrying. The people have united, helped each other, and supported. As many people joke - they finally got to know their neighbors in the building.

Alive, recovered, tired, but still functioning.

Thank you for your hard work, thank you for the omak, thank you for being here at all. Thank you to all the commenters - reading your discussions somehow makes me let go a little, feel better

All the best, pleasant weather, a positive environment, and not nasty bosses.

Good luck.

brinar1992: Again, happy to try :)

Seriously, I don't know why, but your works just charge me with inspiration. I try to write something of my own, sit in front of an empty page for an hour, push, come to the realization of the truth "If you can't shit, don't tire your ass," and put it all away in a desk drawer. But I read a new chapter of Avada, sit down at the keyboard, and voila, a dozen pages in two evenings.

About the eyeless thing. In my mind, it was more of a joke reference to the scariest character in hentai XDDDDDD

Because the canonical Guy Without Eyes has become a sure sign - you see him, now the next tit-bearer is going to proceed XDDDD There is no escape from him :)

Once again, all the best to the Author.

P.S. I also wanted to clarify that by dossier I meant that Vilana knew Walzea on the level of: Monarch. To bow low and assist in any way possible when meeting. Just like I had portraits of the Minister of Defense, Chief of Staff, and other generals hanging in my barracks during my conscription. You will never see them in your life with a 99.99% chance, but you must know them.

P.P.S. Once again, all the best.


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