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From my impromptu stream the other night!

For the longest time, I've been trying to figure out my "musical side", or at least someone to represent it. I've had a vague idea in my head, and last night inspiration struck and well...Here we go. XD

Currently unnamed lizard/gecko/chameleon guy, partly synth/modded, with the wild idea that he doesn't have a set color palette; he just has shades! So starting with the base shade (that's the first one there), it can be modified to fit the "mood" of whatever music is currently playing. Had other ides about his accents along his chest and belly and tail and glasses all flashing in beat, but that might be too distracting. Maybe I should play with that more? Regardless, I really like how he turned out for a spur of the moment thing, despite the pages of failed drawings I have piled up over here from him, haha.

I do have a few possible name ideas! Including:

  •  Refrain/Refrane/Reframe
  • Ch( )rd
  • Syne

No idea if any of them fit yet, but it's a WIP if nothing else!



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